
Why Are Some People Just so Darn Cranky?

January 31, 2010

Q: Why are some people just so darn cranky and others so darn nice?
I’d like to give you two examples that took place on my trip this week to
and from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, through Detroit. All true, all actual,
not embellished and covers the OUTBOUND LEG to Detroit and the
INBOUND LEG back to Detroit.

A: OUTBOUND LEG: Monday, January 25, 2010, Delta Flight 3467, a regional jet with 12 rows of two seats on each side, Des Moines to Detroit, Departure time 6:10 AM. My seat assignment was 1B. Because I walk with a cane, I usually take advantage of the gate agent’s offer for those of you needing a little extra time etc. I start down the Jet Bridge only to get passed by a man who was quite in a hurry. (Just so Darn Cranky)

Once I boarded the plane I find the man sitting in seat 1A. I go to put my brief case in one of the upper storage bins only to find that they were already full on both sides with this guy’s stuff, so the flight attendant suggests I put it over row 3 and I do and return to my seat.

The plane boards and suddenly 1A says to the flight attendant, “ARE THERE ANY OPEN ROWS? I AM A PLATINUM LEVEL FLYER AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE MY OWN ROW. I’D LIKE TO MOVE OR HAVE THIS MAN MOVE.” With a bit of shocked looked on her face the flight attendant, Dawn, says yes I have row 3 open but I’m not sure the plan has loaded yet. I look at him and say, if you’d like to be alone I’ll move and Dawn shook her head in acknowledgment.

I’m now in 3 A&B all by myself and damn happy to be there. After we were airborne Dawn apologized for 1A’s self centered remark that was directed at me. She was a great flight attendant to all passengers (just so darn nice). I could only laugh because not only am I a platinum member but I had the Gman forum to write about the event and explained to her that I would and here we are.

So if anybody knows Mr. 1A, please give him this message for me: “May the oxen of 32 Tibetan farmers march in single file across your water bed this evening and each deposit piles of organic material to fertilize your life in hopes that one day you will grow up to be big, strong and a real man who is in tuned to the world around you. (Guaranteed to make 1A more cranky)

INBOUND LEG: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, Delta Flight 2577, a Boeing 757, departed 11:10 AM, Ft. Lauderdale to Detroit, seat assignment, 2B.

Once I board the plane and sitting in seat 2A is a smiling cordial 80 years young lady and what a great experience that turned out to be. Gisela Becker is her name and let me tell you with complete confidence that she is the “lay person version of Mother Teresa!” (Just so darn nice). She has lived in the same home in Franklin, Michigan for 47 years and raised 3 very successful children. Her husband, a board certified surgeon, passed away 19 years ago and that’s when Gisela became a worldwide traveler and a tremendous humanitarian.

Filled with energy she was still snow skiing at age 78. And yes she too was a Delta platinum flyer member. (More Nice) Her story is remarkable and we visited for almost 3 hours on the flight to Detroit. My faith in mankind has been restored. She has built an orphanage, hospital, schools and has helped countless number of children from certain poverty and death.

To date 129 of “her” kids have gotten a higher level of education. She has helped many young people start their own businesses and the stories she told me and the pictures she showed me went on and on.

But don’t take my word for it; she founded an organization called SPANCO and please visit her website, www.helpforghana.com and read for yourselves. Now my messages for 2A is…… please don’t stop. Your personality and drive is contagious, your work is great, your compassion for people is 2nd to none and I, George Mancuso have had the pleasure of meeting a woman who radiates the true meaning of humanitarian.

So why are some people so darn cranky and some so darn nice? I wished I could truly answer that but who would you vote for as the nicest person of the two? How many people do you know that fit both categories? Join the contagious good life and your health will improve, your life will become fulfilled and you won’t have to tell anybody just how important you really are. (Really Nice!!!)
Have a great week.

George Mancuso
Gman Business Resources, Inc.