
What Grade Do YOU Give Yourself? A-B-C or F

Although I promise what follows here will be thought provoking, it is the most unsophisticated and unproven assessment known to mankind.

1.      Is it true that there are very few if any, highly respected leaders on your team or in your workplace?
2.      Is it true that you have reprimanded or criticized a team member in front of other people?
3.      Is it true that I have to earn your trust?
4.      Do you believe that if you want it done right you will probably have to do it yourself?
5.      Is it true that you hover over team members like a helicopter?
6.      Is it true that you become very defensive when a team member questions a directive, order or process?
7.      If another team member or leader treated you exactly as you treat others, would you enjoy coming to work every day?
8.      Is it true that you believe, “if it wasn’t for the employees and the customers, this would be a great place to work?”
9.      Is it true that even though you know there is a flaw in your management style, you just do not have enough time to do anything about it?
10.   Is it true that you believe that other team members should just know what and where the priorities lay?
11.   BONUS QUESTION:  If you are a midlevel to “C” level manager, do you believe in your heart that most all employees would give you a grade of A?
SCORING:  Each YES is worth “0” and Each NO is worth “1”
A = 8+ points
B= 6-7 points
C= 5 points
F= 4 or less points
If your team or company has communication and/or employee retention issues, we CAN help.  Please visit our Management Acclimatization process.  The results can almost be magical.
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO

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