
Building A Strong and Capable Management Team

Building a Capable Management Team Is Paramount For Success of Any Organization
In the past, organizations have clung to the belief that as long as they had competitive products and services, they could enhance their performance by hiring strong leadership and top talent. While this focus has worked in some cases, in today’s highly competitive labor market—and yes, it is going to get much worse—organizations competing for top talent may be missing the essential managerial skills and processes needed to succeed over the long term.

Many research models have suggested that most organizations neglect the role of managers, undervalue the role and therefore suffer from a lack of strong management proficiency. An authoritative  survey I read a few years ago indicated that employees who plan to stay with their current companies are twice as likely as employees who say they might or might not stay to report when their managers recognize their intrinsic talents and encourage them to use those talents to the fullest extent.

I would say that the trend that has emerged is not pretty. Today’s managers are also individual contributors and they spend more of their time doing their "real" jobs—technical aspects of their positions—than they actually spend managing their employees. This behavior poses a problem because today’s employees want more from their managers and workplaces, not less. And they are willing to “take the walk” out of your workplace if they don’t get it.

There is a wealth of research indicating that management behavior is a key factor in retention. This is nothing new. Recent research has consistently shown that dissatisfaction with one’s manager is a top reason for leaving the organization and not the organization itself.

Employees Want:

·         Feedback and Coaching

·         To Feel Like They Are Appreciated

·         Reward and Recognition for Their Work

·         Learning and Development Opportunities

This isn’t rocket science but managing people will always be a highly complex task.  But once you learn HOW to proceed and buy into the fact that people need to be treated as valuable assets and not pawns in the game of life, your employee retention will improve without effort.  Your company will realize a stronger bottom line and become a workplace of choice.


George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.

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