professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise
jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He
then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and
poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the
open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar
was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured
it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once
more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes'.
The professor then produced two Beers from under
the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the
empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
'Now, 'said the professor as the laughter subsided,
'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are
the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends
and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they
remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like
your job, your house and your car.
The sand is everything else---the small stuff.
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he
continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes
for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will
never have room for the things that are important to you.
'Pay attention to the things that are critical to
your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents.
Visit with grandparents.
Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse
out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and
fix the
disposal. Take care of the golf balls first---the
things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand and inquired
what the Beer represented.
The professor smiled and said, 'I'm glad you
The Beer just shows you that no matter how full
your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of Beers with a friend
Happy Thanksgiving To All
Grateful you are a part of a wonderful profession!
Client Growth Consultants, Inc. Grinnell, Iowa
Grateful you have the power to change lives around you!
Grateful that the 2014 economic signs are leaning towards
a more prosperous year!
a more prosperous year!
Grateful that you have grown yourself this year!
Grateful that you have identified what is really important in your life this
Grateful for your clients!
Grateful for your co-workers, their families and their support!
Grateful for this great country of ours!
we are personally very Grateful for all of you our weekly readers, our friends,
business associates, and our loving family!
this season of Gratefulness, we at Client Growth Resources
would like to give special thanks
would like to give special thanks
your continued partnership and wish you, your family and employees
a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Denise, Mark and Sarah
Are You Building Management Capability???

Research suggests that most organizations neglect the role of managers, undervalue it and therefore suffer from a lack of strong management capability. A 2006 survey indicates that employees who plan to stay with their current companies are twice as likely as employees who say they might or might not stay to report that their managers recognize their talents and encourage them to use those talents to the fullest extent.
I would say that the trend that is emerging is not pretty. Today’s managers are also individual contributors and they spend more of their time doing their "real" jobs—technical aspects of their positions—than they actually spend managing their employees. This behavior poses a problem because today’s employees want more from their managers and workplaces, not less. And they are willing to walk out of your workplace if they don’t get it.
While employees are hungry for praise and eager to get help expanding their capabilities, there is, unfortunately, a corresponding capability gap among managers to give them what they need. This deficit exists for many reasons, including:
Years of downsizing means companies expect more from fewer employees. There simply is not enough time for managers to devote to mentorship and employee development.
Insufficient skills. Managers don’t know how to
provide feedback and develop people.
A dearth of rewards. Managers are rewarded based
upon individual contributions and achievements, not their management skills.
The mistaken belief that "one size fits
all." The same rewards approach won’t motivate everyone.
Organizations do not place a high enough value
on the role of the manager.
Regards,George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Employees Don’t Leave Companies; They Leave Their Managers
NOTE: I've made this headline statement hundreds of times over the last ten years.
Employees want managers who will provide goals and direction, feedback and coaching—and who recognize and reward them for good performance. Yet research indicates that managers are not delivering on these expectations. One possible reason is that managers’ roles are not designed to focus on managing people. Most managers spend 90 percent of their time on technical and administrative tasks and only 10 percent of their time on activities related to managing and developing the people who report to them.
There is a wealth of research indicating that management behavior is a key factor in retention. This is nothing new. Recent research has consistently shown that dissatisfaction with one’s manager is a top reason for leaving the organization.
More recently, three different research studies and examined the factors that predicted whether employees would stay with or leave their current organizations. These studies go back as far as 1999 and are exactly the same today in 2013. Some of the most commonly found items predicting intention to leave were:
Management is responsible for delivering on each of these job factors. No one else can affect how an employee feels as dramatically and tangibly as an employee’s immediate manager. The most effective managers are those who know their employees’ strengths and development needs so well that they know which assignments to give based on balancing both organizational needs and those of the employees.
Coaching and feedback make up one area that is receiving the most attention in organizations today. Employee survey results in company after company are showing that employees want and expect feedback. Research conducted with Gen Xers tells us that this age group not only expects feedback from their managers, but demands it. The Millennial Generation is even more voracious in its need for coaching and input.
Finally, people want to know that they are appreciated when they do a good job or put in extra effort. Good managers praise employees in ways that raise self-esteem and commitment to the organization. Poor managers just expect it all, and, as a consequence, praise nothing. What they really get is turnover, and lots of it. And then they get less productivity out of the people who do stay.
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Employees want managers who will provide goals and direction, feedback and coaching—and who recognize and reward them for good performance. Yet research indicates that managers are not delivering on these expectations. One possible reason is that managers’ roles are not designed to focus on managing people. Most managers spend 90 percent of their time on technical and administrative tasks and only 10 percent of their time on activities related to managing and developing the people who report to them.
There is a wealth of research indicating that management behavior is a key factor in retention. This is nothing new. Recent research has consistently shown that dissatisfaction with one’s manager is a top reason for leaving the organization.
More recently, three different research studies and examined the factors that predicted whether employees would stay with or leave their current organizations. These studies go back as far as 1999 and are exactly the same today in 2013. Some of the most commonly found items predicting intention to leave were:
Insufficient feedback and coaching.
Insufficient learning and development
Insufficient reward and recognition for their
Insufficient sense that their organization
values them.
Management is responsible for delivering on each of these job factors. No one else can affect how an employee feels as dramatically and tangibly as an employee’s immediate manager. The most effective managers are those who know their employees’ strengths and development needs so well that they know which assignments to give based on balancing both organizational needs and those of the employees.
Coaching and feedback make up one area that is receiving the most attention in organizations today. Employee survey results in company after company are showing that employees want and expect feedback. Research conducted with Gen Xers tells us that this age group not only expects feedback from their managers, but demands it. The Millennial Generation is even more voracious in its need for coaching and input.
Finally, people want to know that they are appreciated when they do a good job or put in extra effort. Good managers praise employees in ways that raise self-esteem and commitment to the organization. Poor managers just expect it all, and, as a consequence, praise nothing. What they really get is turnover, and lots of it. And then they get less productivity out of the people who do stay.
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
We Need Some Urgency In Our Managers
ONE READER ASKS: I have noticed a big difference among our managers. It is not so much the varied technical skills or level of confidence but different senses of how quickly to move on a project or issue. Do you have any comments on this subject?
This sense of
urgency you mention does make a difference in how effective you can be
as a manager or sales professional. Certainly, a manager who presses ahead and
gets the job done quickly will be viewed favorably by his/her constituents,
other managers and the client. The sooner a solution is presented and
implemented, the sooner a company can improve its effectiveness in the area in
which demands the most attention. A manager who is a true leader bringing a
sense of urgency will move faster through diagnosis, solution and
implementation and encourage the staff to do the same.
However, remember that speed is not everything. Don't move so fast into a solution that the team is left behind. Many of us have solved the problem (or at least so we thought) on the first day and were anxious to implement the solution. But, unless a team wants and commits to a “buy-in” of a turnkey solution instead of mere advice on how they can address the issue, you do more harm than good by rushing.
Once you have the lay of the land in an engagement, discuss with your team and/or client what functions, processes and people are likely to be the "rate limiting step" of your implementation process. It might be information management, or staff scheduling, or approvals. Agree with your team(s) which ones are worth waiting for and which ones hinder rapid results. With this mutual understanding, and recognizing that some elements of your operation may not be able to move as fast as everyone wants, you can press ahead as fast as you have explicitly agreed with your team.
Changes in a
client's market or overall economic conditions do present a challenge for
management and sales teams. However, if you are in a position to see how your
client or market is changing, it is also a great opportunity to increase the
value you can provide. However, remember that speed is not everything. Don't move so fast into a solution that the team is left behind. Many of us have solved the problem (or at least so we thought) on the first day and were anxious to implement the solution. But, unless a team wants and commits to a “buy-in” of a turnkey solution instead of mere advice on how they can address the issue, you do more harm than good by rushing.
Once you have the lay of the land in an engagement, discuss with your team and/or client what functions, processes and people are likely to be the "rate limiting step" of your implementation process. It might be information management, or staff scheduling, or approvals. Agree with your team(s) which ones are worth waiting for and which ones hinder rapid results. With this mutual understanding, and recognizing that some elements of your operation may not be able to move as fast as everyone wants, you can press ahead as fast as you have explicitly agreed with your team.
Almost every change in an organization means a change on the organization chart. Positions are added or removed. Reporting relationship are typically altered. Overall structure may be leveled or new layers added. Each of these changes presents an opportunity to provide some services to smooth the transition. Ostensibly, these changes were thought out and intentional. However, sometimes they are made with some, but not enough, forethought.
Once you feel you have a solid grasp of the emerging situation, develop some recommendations of how your plan(s) might help the transition. Thinking at the highest level will help you better understand your needs and the needs of your team and clients and will likely let them see you in a more strategic light.
Have a safe and prosperous week. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
George F.
George F. Mancuso, CPC
Is There A Pot of Gold At Then End of The Rainbow?
When is comes to sales or the business world in general, what's
the secret to finding the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow"?
I wished I
was smart enough to have all the perfect answers for this question. As you might guess, there is no
satisfying and complete answer to this question. One suggestion might be to
closely observe the key characteristics of two types: those who smoothly surf
the "ocean" towards success and those who get knocked over by every
wave. What might you see? I believe the most successful professionals are those
who know how to: - See
and seize every opportunity
- Save
and invest wisely
- Create
value for others and translate it into value for them.
- Protect
their good ideas and effectively market them.
- Leverage
their work and repackage it into books, seminars,
speaking, etc.
- Leverage
the skills of others in order to get something
- Put
their clients first and keep a close tab on their
customer's needs at all times.
- Effectively
promote themselves and become more sought after.
- Be
more effective and proficient than most others in their field.
- Simply
want it more.
There are many things that you can do in your career to help point you in the direction of the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." One thing is fairly certain: you are in the driver's seat. Make a list of goals, actions, and directions today and stop burning or wasting daylight. The time to act is now no matter what your career or job entails.
As always, please accept my wish for a great and healthy week. Your questions or comments are truly welcome.
George F. Mancuso, CPC 10/6/13
Premature Elaboration
A Reader Asks; "What is the best (or even a good) way to demonstrate the most value for your services during initial discussions with the prospect?"
We are often so eager to show how much we know
that we don't wait until the client has fully explained where his or her
organization is, how it got there and completely understand the issues or needs
that they have. As soon as some sales people, management people and/or
consultants hear a problem they think they have recognized and solved before
the speaker is finished speaking. Many
times they are way too quick to show how much they believe they know because
they think this is the way to the buyers’ heart.
when you have solved the presumed problem, you owe the client the opportunity
to describe why it’s a need or an issue for the organization and the nature of
the solution for which they are willing to engage you. Hold your conclusions
until you have explored the issues together. Remember, it is about addressing
the client's problem, not showing how smart you are. Your lights will shine
bright once you put their pain to rest.
The title of this tip says it all. Not that every analogy is appropriate but initial sales -client conversations can be considered like dating: show exceptional respect, listen more than talk, and think longer term.
The title of this tip says it all. Not that every analogy is appropriate but initial sales -client conversations can be considered like dating: show exceptional respect, listen more than talk, and think longer term.
a tremendous week and remember that your comments are always welcomed. Call or write if I can be of any assistance.
George F. Mancuso
George F. Mancuso,
Why Does The CFO Continually Fight Us?
We are truly a sales driven team of tangible big ticket items. We are constantly coming up with new or
improved methods to differentiate ourselves from the competition. But our marketing and sales plans seem to
continually get hijacked by the finance department, who focus on daily or monthly
data and not long term goals. How do we
get over the CFO’s wall of resistance?
There is
little doubt my answer to this multi-company corporate problem will probably
bring a touch of anger from our readers within the finance arena. Although we’ve all got an intricate place in
the company structure, I continually state that companies should be managed by
a management team that tends to lend itself to the sales side. However with that said, Performance
Management Systems can be developed and deployed to help win over the finance
men and women.
Performance measurement systems are affected by the very culture of the
group designing and using them. There is nothing wrong with a financial
reporting system, but this should not be confused with a performance management
system. The latter is intended to guide an organization to results. The finance
function, however, is embedded
in a culture of risk avoidance and control. The effect of that perspective is
to focus on process, accuracy of predictions and variance with expected data.
How much variation in month to month results is typical for your industry? Are long-term trends heading in the right direction? Does your executive team have evidence that past variance with plans is a good predictor of failure to meet goals? Is there a basis to believe this is the case now? Is the finance function being given undue influence over business operations? Remember, accounting is a trailing indicator and, while a provider of important data, it is a supporting function and should not be confused as a business driver.
Discuss with your finance group about a performance measurement system designed for your specific culture, perspective and the impact each department will have on providing data and interpreting that data. Talk about how decisions will be made if one set of data is well outside of expected predictions. How are accountabilities to be set, i.e., how much allowance is appropriate for variance and who is accountable for "fixing" that variance? Have these conversations during the design phase and it will help reduce conflicts with regard “a number” rather than measuring progress against long-term organizational objectives.
How much variation in month to month results is typical for your industry? Are long-term trends heading in the right direction? Does your executive team have evidence that past variance with plans is a good predictor of failure to meet goals? Is there a basis to believe this is the case now? Is the finance function being given undue influence over business operations? Remember, accounting is a trailing indicator and, while a provider of important data, it is a supporting function and should not be confused as a business driver.
Discuss with your finance group about a performance measurement system designed for your specific culture, perspective and the impact each department will have on providing data and interpreting that data. Talk about how decisions will be made if one set of data is well outside of expected predictions. How are accountabilities to be set, i.e., how much allowance is appropriate for variance and who is accountable for "fixing" that variance? Have these conversations during the design phase and it will help reduce conflicts with regard “a number” rather than measuring progress against long-term organizational objectives.
As always,
your comments are welcome. Please accept
my wishes for an outstanding week! If we
can assist in any way, call or write and we will respond immediately!
George F. Mancuso
George F. Mancuso, CPC
Your Thoughts of Today Are Programming Your Tomorrow
A Reader Asks: As the economy rebounds, what suggestions do you have
for broadening my sales prospects, thus growing my own business?
Race car drivers accelerate coming out of a turn
instead of waiting for the straightaway. This is also a good model for sales
people. What areas of the economy and your market are going to be slow to
recover or never recover? Which of your clients will YOU stand by if it takes
longer to get back to their former strength? What trends were YOU counting on
that are picking up strength or were shut off by a changing economy? Now is a
great time to be looking at regional and/or national trends to identify where you
can begin to cultivate opportunities.
Many major trade organizations publish on occasion a "state of the industry" summary. Recognizing that these are promotional to some extent, they still contain good information on current structure, capacity, demand for products, and changes in production practices or consumption of its products. Also consider government reports that address more macro trends or longer term trends. These reports, even if they are not in your industry, can provide some deep insights into how the economy is changing and where your opportunities may lie.
If the trade association for your industry has no such "State of the Industry" research, and you feel reasonably sure you know a lot about the industry, suggest teaming up with the association's research staff in developing such a report. This is something their members would value and what better way to get known as the "industry expert" than to have the implicit endorsement of a trade association.
Many major trade organizations publish on occasion a "state of the industry" summary. Recognizing that these are promotional to some extent, they still contain good information on current structure, capacity, demand for products, and changes in production practices or consumption of its products. Also consider government reports that address more macro trends or longer term trends. These reports, even if they are not in your industry, can provide some deep insights into how the economy is changing and where your opportunities may lie.
If the trade association for your industry has no such "State of the Industry" research, and you feel reasonably sure you know a lot about the industry, suggest teaming up with the association's research staff in developing such a report. This is something their members would value and what better way to get known as the "industry expert" than to have the implicit endorsement of a trade association.
Now with all this said, I would strongly encourage you
keep a positive mind, positive attitude, positive speech pattern, positive body
language and develop my “SURE ‘NUF” thought process. And if missed that in one of my previous
newsletters, here it is again:
“My thoughts of today are programming my
tomorrow!” SURE ‘NUF. You wake up in the morning, put your feet
over the bed, look out the window and say to yourself, “it’s going to be a
lousy day!” SURE ‘NUF! You tell yourself, “this State is so
depressed, I’ll never sell enough to make a living.” SURE ‘NUF!
So the call is yours.
Get your proverbial act together, get into the field, be a leader and
make things happen. If you are lazy and
are waiting for somebody else to do it then hand it to you, the time has come
to change professions. Without sales
teams growing themselves and their companies, the company ceases to exist. The burden is on OUR shoulders.
As always, enjoy your week and your comments are
always welcome.
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
What are the values of "testimonials?"
A READER ASKS: In your experience, do prospective clients pay attention to testimonials?
Remember that selling has a great deal to do with not only the perception of competence, but the concept of confidence as well. A testimonial is one way to lower the [mental] perceived risk that the intangible and/or intangible service a client is about to buy are plausible, realistic and risk free or at least "low risk." When you ask a client for a testimonial, think more about what a risk-averse executive or manager needs to hear and request the testimonial address the risk issues they considered in buying from you.
First, consider the greatest value your clients have received. What have they said was the most important benefit you provided? Then build your requested testimonial around that. Consider including the following, in a sequence that works best for you;
• The project issue or challenge (the preamble for why product or services were required)
• The intended outcome of the engagement (the value provided)
• The actual outcome (especially longer term, in unit terms of dollars, output, or other measure that might translate to a prospective client)
• The reason the client selected your firm (this is the key element to convincing the next client why they should select you, and should include why any reservations were quickly overcome by your performance)
• The core strength you brought to the project (what aspect of your firm's offering you want to highlight)
• The reason the client selected you above other consultants (here is the second most important aspect of the testimonial to induce your prospect to select you)
Think about the points above when you are writing your printable marketing pieces or updating the presentation of your website. Use these concepts to make your company standout and demonstrate why “YOU” and not “another firm.”
There is good value in planning your "testimonial portfolio" to be a working part of your sales and marketing tools. Consider the range of compelling reasons you would like to place before a prospect. Since each testimonial can't realistically present all of these reasons, work with your client to create a testimonial that fills the gaps.
P.S. Clients are less impressed by a testimonial about a firm when it doesn't necessarily relate at all to the buyers proposed needs. If possible, collect testimonials for the individuals on the team rather than the firm in general. People relate to people.
The 4th quarter is almost upon us and I wish you a tremendous and profitable finish to 2013! Call or write if I can be of any assistance.
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Remember that selling has a great deal to do with not only the perception of competence, but the concept of confidence as well. A testimonial is one way to lower the [mental] perceived risk that the intangible and/or intangible service a client is about to buy are plausible, realistic and risk free or at least "low risk." When you ask a client for a testimonial, think more about what a risk-averse executive or manager needs to hear and request the testimonial address the risk issues they considered in buying from you.
First, consider the greatest value your clients have received. What have they said was the most important benefit you provided? Then build your requested testimonial around that. Consider including the following, in a sequence that works best for you;
• The project issue or challenge (the preamble for why product or services were required)
• The intended outcome of the engagement (the value provided)
• The actual outcome (especially longer term, in unit terms of dollars, output, or other measure that might translate to a prospective client)
• The reason the client selected your firm (this is the key element to convincing the next client why they should select you, and should include why any reservations were quickly overcome by your performance)
• The core strength you brought to the project (what aspect of your firm's offering you want to highlight)
• The reason the client selected you above other consultants (here is the second most important aspect of the testimonial to induce your prospect to select you)
Think about the points above when you are writing your printable marketing pieces or updating the presentation of your website. Use these concepts to make your company standout and demonstrate why “YOU” and not “another firm.”
There is good value in planning your "testimonial portfolio" to be a working part of your sales and marketing tools. Consider the range of compelling reasons you would like to place before a prospect. Since each testimonial can't realistically present all of these reasons, work with your client to create a testimonial that fills the gaps.
P.S. Clients are less impressed by a testimonial about a firm when it doesn't necessarily relate at all to the buyers proposed needs. If possible, collect testimonials for the individuals on the team rather than the firm in general. People relate to people.
The 4th quarter is almost upon us and I wish you a tremendous and profitable finish to 2013! Call or write if I can be of any assistance.
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Four (4) Salient Points To Strengthen Your Team(s)
My beliefs
don’t changes much from company to company.
I say this because I have always contended that in most any company, it
is PRIMARILY about people. All of the
people, customers included. So here is
the short version of this concept:
ACCOUNTABILITY; Every employee must take ownership and
accountability of their actions. No
excuses, YOU MUST BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. I don’t accept finger pointing and my method
of resolving issues is simple. I get
both or all parties of conflict in the room immediately upon being aware and
then it starts something like this…..”….He said that you said XXX. Is that true?” Then I turn it around. Believe me once the word gets spread that
people can’t pass the buck, the buck passing stops.
SPACE: We have to be very careful here as people who
are insecure seem to take invasion of their space, very personal. But on the other hand there are employees who
just want to have their nose stuck in everybody else’s business. The later reminds me of the great big arm at
the waste treatment plant…..continuingly stirring the matter! Spend your concentration and effort in YOU
doing a good job and if one of your fellow employees is in some difficulty,
offer to help don’t just impose yourself upon them. You can get more bees with honey than you can
with vinegar.
firm believer that we should always be training our replacement. And when I state that, I inevitably hear,
“well if I train her to do my job then they won’t need me here.” This of course is ridiculous and
counterproductive to any professional team.
What happens if someone experiences a catastrophic event in their lives
and can’t work? Why not have the replacement
trained and ready. What if a promotion
comes along and you don’t get it because there is no one to take your
place? In this day and age, it is very
common and pretty much expected that loyal employees are willing and able to
function in multiple roles. The more you
know and the more you contribute the more valuable YOU become.
COMMUNICATION; In most companies, communication is at an all-time
low. One almost has to pry or extract in
some way, needed information.
Communicate via Email, written notes, telephonically or in person, but
communicate with each other. Don’t believe
that just because you’ve been employed at your company for a long period of
time, you can come and go as you please.
Communicate with each other.
Learn about each other. Have
healthy open discussions to help each other understand the goals, paths and/or
expectations. And did I mention, “Communicate
with each other?”
There are 3½ months left in 2013 and this is arguably, the most important 100 days of the year. This is the time people and companies make decisions to spend before the year comes to an end or what they are going to buy in the first quarter. Be sure to set yourself in position to get your piece of the sales pie as well.
George F.
Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Fail Safe Suggestions To Manage People Effectively???
One reader
writes: “I have just accepted an
executive level position with a new company.
This is my first position at this level and I want to do things
right. Any fail safe suggestions for the
new girl on the block?”
I could
probably write books on the do’s and do not’s if I knew more about your life
experiences and the new company. But let
me to provide an extremely short version of items that just pop into my head
without much of an in-depth or detailed thought process. P.S. there are no “fail safe” processes, just
learning to treat people with respect they are due.
on being consistent. Employees like to
know where “YOU” stand on a
given day. Try to present the same game
face almost every day no matter how stressed you may be or problems on your
not attempt to micro manage as this would be the kiss of death. Instead become a sponge, ask questions that
show employees you truly are trying to learn.
It gives them an opportunity to show you what they know and once they
know how you are and that you care, they will open the flood gates of
burden them with massive amounts of meetings.
Start slow, gain knowledge and then move forward accordingly.
not make sweeping changes in the first few weeks. My personal belief is that change brings
opportunity but most rank-in-file employees’ thought process, doesn’t
necessarily embrace change when it’s forced upon them. Learn how to be subtle and learn to allow it
THEIR idea.
have a business to run, but always remember that employees like customers like
to know W.I.I.F.M.? (What’s In It For
of humor is very important. Please do
not walk through your manufacturing facility with a stoic or offended look on
your face.
not forget the words, “thank you, please, looks good and great job!”
you are a workaholic remember that most rank in file employees are not. They have families and lives to go to and
that should always be respected.
employees informed. The office staff
knows when good things happen so why not have regular and/or impromptu plant
meetings and updates everybody? i.e. Big
sale, or a new customer that will be bringing business, job security issues,
new ideas, issues that affect all are just a few suggestions of topics.
all manufacturing environments, safety is a huge issue. As an executive, practice what you
preach. i.e. Wear eye/ear protection, no
loose clothing, watch where you walk etc.
a great example of being a team player.
And I define a great team player as one who knows when to lead and when
to follow.
ever have critical or disciplinary discussion in public.
finally remember this; A manager is a person that employees are directed to
follow. A leader is a manager that
employees WANT to follow. Your choices
will help them make their choices.
So “new girl
on the block” I wish you the best and hope these few tips are of value to
you. I salute you for your
determination, definition and CAN DO attitude.
I look forward to hearing about the great results from the fruits of
your labor.
As always, your comments, opinions and suggestions are always welcome. Go forth and make this a tremendous week by
making an outstanding contribution in someone’s life. If I can help in any way, please call or
write and I will respond immediately!
George F. Mancuso
George F. Mancuso, CPC
George F. Mancuso, CPC
Most companies today recognize the
value of attracting and retaining a strong, competent workforce. But most also don’t fully appreciate how they
can improve retention rates.
When surveyed, employees indicate their top reasons for leaving a position are:
Not getting along with their direct supervisor
- Desire for more money
- Need for better work/life balance.
- Lack of career growth, challenging assignments.
It’s noteworthy that three of the four top reasons are non-financial. Employers can do much to address these issues, but frequently only pay lip service to significantly enhancing the employee experience. If employers paid this little attention to their customers’ experience, they would likely be out of business.
So, what’s an enlightened employer to do?
Actively demonstrate
that you value the unique needs of each employee
- Tailor
your HR and benefit programs to your workforce (flexible work schedules,
choices in health plan options, PTO banks, etc.)
- Publicly recognize outstanding performance
and employee achievements.
- Teach supervisors how to be good coaches and managers.
- Provide ongoing training on issues such as
handling conflict, delivering difficult messages and conducting
effective performance discussions.
- Ensure
alignment between business goals and employee rewards.
- Appropriately mix base and variable pay.
- Unambiguously
link performance to rewards.
- Clearly delineate between rewards for top
and bottom performers.
- Nurture the employee ecosystem.
- Make sure employees understand what it is
the organization values.
- Practice
what you preach—hold managers accountable for their actions and for
tolerating or ignoring unacceptable behavior.
- Focus attention on high performers;
deal effectively with marginal performers (Is an “up or out” philosophy
right for you? Or, is a culture of mediocrity acceptable?).
- Ask
top performers what makes them successful at your organization and why
they stay.
- Ask employees what is and what is not
working and act on their input.
Commonly used solutions today include pre-hire assessments, variable compensation programs, and links between the performance management and compensation systems (both strategic linkages and automated, processing-type linkages). Planned enhancements over the next year typically include the implementation of learning management systems and online skills/competency tracking systems.
Forward-thinking companies do a reasonable job of tracking the key performance indicators of retention, which have historically covered employee satisfaction levels, turnover rates and benchmarks for similar organizations, and worker productivity metrics. However, these measures do little to illuminate why retention issues occur. These basic measures should be expanded to track items such as employee satisfaction with specific areas of their job (their work, their supervisor, their pay, their commute, their co-workers); turnover rates should be evaluated by employee level, tenure, speed of advancement, performance rating, sex, age and other factors.
The key is to progress from simply tracking data to understanding information to determining cause and effect. Then you can affect your bottom line. Client Growth Consultants is here to help. Call or write and we will respond immediately!
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
How Strong Is YOUR Creative Process?
A great deal can be accomplished if
you are defined and methodical in your approach to dealing effectively with
people. But a great deal more can be
achieved if you add creativity into
the mix.
Several years ago I was
consulting for a regional sales organization and as part of the process I would
ride with each sales person for one or more days. This of course gave me tremendous insight
into the company, their process and methodologies and gave me numerous clues
how to help them individually as well as a company as a whole.
While riding with Tony, one
of their top salesmen, we passed a warehouse that was over 1,000,000 square
feet. Tony pointed at the facility and
said, “I know this company buys from my competitor who has a national
footprint, but I wished there was a way I could get a shot at their business.”
Then I helped him draft a
letter to the President, stating only who he was, who he represented and then
said, “I have put myself in YOUR shoes Mr. President and have defined 10
critical questions I would ask me, a potential new vendor, who could be a
benefit to our organization. I plan to
call you on Friday to set up a 15 minute appointment to share with you those
He made the call, got the
appointment and when he sat down several days later, the President said to him,
“so you thought of 10 questions, eh?
Well so did I. What do you say we
exchange papers to see just how close we are?”
They did and amazingly 8 out of the 10 were almost identical to each
Tony got the account, small
at first but grew into a tremendous and profitable customer. How did he do that? He put himself in the prospects shoes. Thought like him and methodically designed a
plan, executed the plan and closed the sale.
He demonstrated he cared, was capable and had a can do attitude filled
with creativity.
W hy this wouldn’t work
when managing people or projects or active customers? People are impressed and take notice of
creativity, especially if it demonstrates that you care. Creativity is part of you demonstrating your
desire to serve and make any given situation a win/win and not your way or the
You should think of solving a
problem for a prospect, your employees or a project instead of just trying to
get your point across or only sell your products. When your creativity aura shines because you
care and that you are truly concerned, all will take notice.
T his is the second week of
the month of July. Have you reached your
sales and management goals to date? Go
out and make this a tremendous week for you and all around you.
That evening I had Tony put
himself in the Presidents shoes and requested he write down 10 questions he
would ask a potential new vendor. It
took some thinking but the task was achieved.
George F. Mancuso,
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.
What’s wrong with hiring managers?
June 16, 2013
What’s wrong with hiring managers?
I am an executive recruiter for a major recruiting firm based in the
Midwest. And it is my humble opinion,
that of late, hiring managers have lost their moral core. They play with candidates emotions, they use
me to bring qualified candidates to the table then quietly search for “knock offs”
of my candidate so they won’t have to pay my agreed upon fee. Besides the recruiters in my office, are we
the only ones experiencing this?
(Marissa L., Professional Recruiter, Omaha, NE)
(Marissa L., Professional Recruiter, Omaha, NE)
The answer is not only no, but HELL NO!!! As most of you know Client Growth Consultants
is an executive search firm, so believe me when I tell you that I do have firsthand
current knowledge of this subject.
I have well over 200 recruiter “friends” across the U.S.
with whom I stay in touch in one form or another. And they are all talking
about this subject. And maybe you are
correct in your assessment that their moral cores have been damaged and
overcome with greed.So from two standpoints, please allow me to make these comments:
IF YOU ARE A RECRUITER: You must get your client committed to your
services. It’s okay to ask if you are
going to be competing with them in the search.
It’s okay to ask who else is involved in the search. Its okay for you to set the mutually agreed
upon ground rules. And I firmly believe it is critically important for your
client to understand that this is how YOU make an honest living.
The work we do is very labor intense and many times
we go through 10 x 10 candidates to find them 2 or 3 qualified.
Be a professional and get all of this out front
and verbally spoken.
And if your client “burns” you, then wash them
from your client list forever unless you just like working for free.
ARE A HIRING MANAGER; Please understand that treating a recruiter like
Marisa as described above, is poor business, unethical and morally wrong.
How would
you feel if your professional employees were treated in this manner?
Be honest
and upfront. If you plan to be involved
in the search then make it known.
If the recruiter continues then it’s a risk
he/she takes.
And don’t lie to candidates. If you don’t think it’s a match, tell
them. Candidates are capable of hearing
the good news and the bad. And if you’re
not honest it gives false hope.
Treat candidates exactly the way you’d like to
be treated if it was YOU seeking employment.
The old saying that what goes around, comes
around is more true in today’s market than ever.
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants.com
Client Growth Consultants.com
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