
Six Critical Tools You Will Need To Improve Employee Retention

Six Critical Tools You Will Need To Improve Employee Retention
You can download the entire publication by clicking on the Headline Link

1.        Work that motivates, challenges and is meaningful:  Why should an employee come to work here?  Are you an employer of choice or convenience?  Is your company the ONE that most locals WANT to become an employee?  Read More….

2.       Leaders that believe in growing their people.  All Micro-Managers must check their guns at the door!  “…Good companies fix bad managers and bad companies condone bad managers.”  Read More….

3.       Retain Your Employees Before You Hire Them:  I’ll bet most of you are thinking to yourselves, “…What did he just say? “It is important to recognize that the most critical step in retaining employees comes before the hire itself!  Read More….

4.       Measure The Return On Investment Of Keeping Top Performers:  Most companies today recognize the value of attracting and retaining a strong, competent workforce. But most also don’t fully appreciate how they can improve retention rates.  Read More….

5.       Talent Asset vs. Tenure Asset;   “….The only thing worse than an employee who quits is an employee who quits and stays!” Talent and Tenure are not necessarily two assets that go hand in glove.  Read More….

6.       Realizing That Employees Have A Life Outside Of The Office; Does your company confuse allegiance or loyalty with hours at the office?  If so there may be a rutted rocky road ahead for your organizations future.  Read More….

If you would like a copy of all Six Critical Tools You Will Need To Improve Employee Retention, just click the title. 

George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.


Achieving Sales Goals

“My sales people set goals, but don’t seem to achieve their goals on a consistent basis.  How can I turn this around and help them and us achieve “our” goals?”

There isn’t a week that goes by that one of clients doesn’t ask me some variation of that question, so here are a few suggestions.

SUGGESTION ONE:  Each month or quarter have your sales personnel tell you what they will “BUY FOR THEMSELVES” when they reach their goal and the three things they are willing to do to ensure they do achieve their plan. They also must come up with a consequence, if they don't hit their goal.

Print up a picture of the GOAL...the three commitments and the consequence for each individual and hang it up by their desks. The consequences make it fun... and can be something as simple as giving up coffee, or eating fast food etc. for the following month. Sales men/women will do things for THEIR REASONS - NOT YOURS.  They have to see the WIIFM in order to motivate them to achieve higher levels of production.

SUGGESTION TWO: I don't believe you “make” someone a Top Producer. I believe you HIRE THEM - people with a history of high achievement. Sometimes we hire DUCKS and expect them to be EAGLES!
They can be a great DUCK, but will never reach “Top Producer” status. Hire people with a track record of over-achievement and sales experience.   The alternative is to hire a GREAT DUCK and train, lead, guide, motivate, train and train and stay totally involved in their climb to success.  But if they don’t have the drive to achieve high levels, it may be an exercise in futility.

SUGGESTION THREE: Each quarter sit down as a group and have a "QUARTERLY GROUP PERFORMANCE REVIEW" Each employee should make a list of the following before the group meeting:

1. What they did that WORKED this past quarter (made money and gave them results!)  If you demonstrate to them and their peers what is working, they will probably continue to do these functions.  Peer pressure within a sales environment is huge.
2. What they are doing that is NOT WORKING or is a big fat waste of their time.  They need to stop doing those things NOW!  Get a commitment and a plan to stop bad habits and change.

3. New techniques they will implement to meet goals this next quarter. THREE techniques - one each month, so they have 21 days to form the new habit!)

 SUGGESTION FOUR:  At the last month of each quarter; .....I suggest you ask them to write down a list of the clients they will do business with in the next quarter. Top ten KEY ACCOUNTS - Twenty back up Clients Additional Targets!   Make the lists public to the rest of the team.  This will help each other keep them on track.

 SUGGESTION FIVE: In December, have each sales person writes down their W-2 for the coming year; Show them the DAILY RESULTS they need to achieve based on their INDIVIDUAL STATS AND RATIOS! Count the working days in each month so they know exactly what the RESULTS are needed to achieve goals on a daily basis. It's not the number of calls that is important; it's the daily commitment to hit certain daily RESULTS.

 SUGGESTION SIX: Mandate planners daily. If they are not an experienced Planner, have each of them start by writing down the top six Priorities (closest to the money) they need to accomplish the following day. This should be done every day prior to Leaving the office.
These are only suggestions and you are welcome to modify any of these to make them work for your company/process.  Have a great week!

George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.