What is Management Acclimatization®?
For the sake of this discussion, I am using the term “manager”
and defining it as any individual from a supervisory capacity, middle manager,
executive manager to the “C” level.
SITUATION: A new manager
has been hired and the team is filled with trepidation. What kind of manager will he/she be? What will be the goals and expectations? What changes will be made? Will we lose our jobs? Is he/she aware of our current
challenges? Will he/she be accessible and
easy to talk with? Why did he/she take
the job? What challenges does he/she see
for themselves? And as you can imagine
the list of questions, fears or just general concerns could become lengthy.
PAIN RELIEF: The process of Management Acclimatization®
is a facilitation of the initial interaction of the new manager and the
team. Because we are an outside of the
company facilitator, we can keep the process on track and gather details from
both the manager and the team.
This is typically a 4 hour process. We interview the manager. Then without the manager present, we
interview the team. Then reassemble both
and get it all explained, defined, communication processes, time lines,
expectations and most important immediate accountability. The entire purpose is to get this group off
to a smooth start.
There are never any names attached to the questions. And all of the questions and their answers
are left behind for the manager and team members to refer to in the immediate
You might ask, would this work for a current manager/team that
might just be classified as dysfunctional?
The answer is an absolute yes!
Think about it, spend about 4 hours with an outsider and go away with camaraderie,
communication, understanding of each others challenges and a place you look
forward to arriving at work at each day!
We can help! For complete details
go to our website and click on Management
George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEOClient Growth Consultants, Inc.
P.S. Management
Acclimatization® is a registered name by Client Growth Consultants, Inc.