When is comes to sales or the business world in general, what's
the secret to finding the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow"?
I wished I
was smart enough to have all the perfect answers for this question. As you might guess, there is no
satisfying and complete answer to this question. One suggestion might be to
closely observe the key characteristics of two types: those who smoothly surf
the "ocean" towards success and those who get knocked over by every
wave. What might you see? I believe the most successful professionals are those
who know how to: - See
and seize every opportunity
- Save
and invest wisely
- Create
value for others and translate it into value for them.
- Protect
their good ideas and effectively market them.
- Leverage
their work and repackage it into books, seminars,
speaking, etc.
- Leverage
the skills of others in order to get something
- Put
their clients first and keep a close tab on their
customer's needs at all times.
- Effectively
promote themselves and become more sought after.
- Be
more effective and proficient than most others in their field.
- Simply
want it more.
There are many things that you can do in your career to help point you in the direction of the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." One thing is fairly certain: you are in the driver's seat. Make a list of goals, actions, and directions today and stop burning or wasting daylight. The time to act is now no matter what your career or job entails.
As always, please accept my wish for a great and healthy week. Your questions or comments are truly welcome.
George F. Mancuso, CPC