Consultants help their clients to solve problems. Frequently the "problem" is less specific, such as poor performance, or is simply the desire to improve their performance, effectiveness or bottom-line. Clearly defining the specific problem “drivers” and identifying opportunities for improved performance are key steps. So no matter if you are in sales or management, take a page from the Consultants book. How is this done?
Here are four solid ways to help you identify actionable issues/opportunities:
• Ask the folks who work there. Although they may not identify the actual “root cause” or won't know how to accurately assess the impact, this is the best place to start your search. It will provide you with clear direction.
• Look hard at the financials. This will also provide direction. Compare the information to baseline data from the industry. Don’t be afraid to ask “Why?” several times, if necessary.
• If possible, look at the client’s competition and see if you can (with help from others) determine what they do differently.
• Use your previous experiences and readings to see where and how you can be of most help.
Tip: Once you have taken the above- described steps, see if you can effectively summarize the data you have gathered and prioritize the improvement opportunities you have identified in a clear and compelling manner.
On behalf of the entire staff of Gman Business Resources, we wish you a GREAT week!
George Mancuso
Gman Business Resources