
Important Management Concepts

September 28, 2008

Q: Would you be kind enough to share with us concepts that would be most important to sales and management professionals?
Bill T., President - Service Organization, Denver, CO

A: From my prospective Vision, Mission and Values are extremely important concepts that all professionals should be intimately familiar with to best serve their company, customers, team and themselves.

The "VISION" is essentially like painting a vivid and unique picture of an organization's future, focusing specifically on what the organization ideally wants to accomplish long term; what it wants to ultimately become. Its ultimate purpose is to create a sense of shared purpose, motivation, and drive to achieve between the organization and its employees. Its resonant impact should be reflected in the way the board governs, the way the CEO manages, and the way people work.

The "MISSION" describes why the organization exists. It describes its fundamental purpose and core business for the benefit of its stakeholders and society as whole. Focused on the present, it should emphasizes what the company currently is and not what it is striving to become.

"VALUES" are the organization's key guiding principles, fundamental beliefs and expected behaviors. "Values" help to create a cohesive corporate culture and are critical to supporting the organization's mission and ensuring that its vision is ultimately achieved.

As managers, executives, owners or sales professionals, it is strongly recommend that we are cognizant of and fully understand the expressed vision, mission and values of our company and/or clients. It will provide a helpful reference point in general discussion, making proposals, and recommending actions.

Sales Tip: Visit your clients Web sites in order to locate their vision, mission, and values - many times they are posted for the public. Evaluate whether the services and recommendations you have provided to the client are inline with their concepts. Also, note if your own firm's vision, mission and values are in alignment with your client's. If not, a discussion with your client might be in order.

The fourth and final quarter of 2008 has begun. Hopefully your goals are on track, your health is good and the year will finish as a success in your eyes and the eyes of all those around you.

George F. Mancuso, CPC

Train Your Replacement

September 14, 2008

Q: I read in the past your statement about “always be training your replacement.”
Would you mind expounding on that concept:
Martin, Plant Manager, Youngstown, OH

A: I firmly believe that one should always be training his/her replacement at all times and here is why. Your title says Plant Manager. If you are continually working with an employee or two, grooming them to learn your job and take your place, you will be ready!

Ready for what you ask? Ready for the following:

i. Ready when a promotion might come along and the boss says, I’d give you that promotion if who have an employee that can take your place? No replacement, no promotion.
ii. Training other employees to your level will instill in your team an abundance of strength.
iii. Giving other employees your knowledge and helping them grow will make them better employees, make them feel appreciated & wanted and demonstrate your internal quality as a person/leader.

Just think of the power of what I just said. If everybody on your team was helping each other grow, production would be up, morale would be up, growth would be up, employees would want to come to work each day and perform a quality job. This is true for a production line an office or at the executive level. Nobody is exempt.

And if your mindset is, “well if I teach all I know, they won’t need me and then he/she will try to take my job,” PLEASE DON’T!!! Paranoia is not healthy and is not warranted. Give of yourself, help grow the people around you and the results will amaze you. Hopefully your immediate supervisor and his/her supervisor above will read this and everybody in your company will get on the program of caring about each other. Wow, what a concept, caring about each other in a warm and friendly workplace! 

As the fourth week of the month of September begins , I wish you a great week and a prosperous run in business and in health, to the end of the year.


George F. Mancuso, CPC