
Are You A Leader?

Our organization is full of people that “think” they are leaders. 
In many cases, I suspect they have yet to wake up from their dream. 
How would you define a true leader?
(Marsha B, HR Director, Manufacturing)

A:  My immediate response was to start typing with speed for all the things a leader is not.  In my consulting practice as well as our recruiting division, we see many “leader want to-be types.”   Some are good and many not so good. So please indulge me and I’ll give you what I call a “Mancusoism” which is the way I define a leaders twelve most important qualities;
           Excellent listener
2.     Business like, yet compassionate
3.     Truly cares about the success of the people around him/her
4.     Untiring perseverance level of willingness to teach others
5.     Always gives the accolades of success to his/her team
6.     Willing to stand on point when situations don’t quite go as planned
7.     Respects the opinion of the people around him/her
8.     Encourages staff to develop ideas and plans
9.     Micro Managing is not in his/her vocabulary
10.  Knowing that the title of manager, doesn’t necessarily make you a leader
11.  Communication is an everyday practice
12.  Staff always know where they stand with him/her

There is little doubt that I will get Emails with another 12 valid points.  But when I talk about the qualities of a leader above, I truly mean that they possess most or all of what I have identified.  Most managers who THINK they are leaders but perform poorly at it, typically treat people badly and don’t communicate worth a hoot.

George Mancuso