
A Great Sales Presentation

October 11, 2009

As most of you are aware, I am currently acting CEO for a national manufacture in N.E. Kansas. Within this role I was contacted by the WTS Paradigm Company (www.wtsparadigm.com) with a request to “show me” their software, especially designed for certain manufactures and supply chains. I will preface this story by telling you, that Lyn Hartl the President and developer absolutely thought of everything. This software takes a back seat to no other which of course helps to sell the product! But this story is about the sales process, which was quite impressive to say the least.

1. I received a call from Scott, the BDM. He was low key, defined in his voice and spoke with authority. He knew his product, the service they provide and he knew his limitations. I agreed to watch an online webinar demo, especially for our company and he explained it would take about 90 minutes. He let me know, this software was powerful and I wouldn’t be sorry.
2. He made a scheduled call to me the day before and we spent 30 minutes going over what would be most important to the company within the scope of their software. He explained to me that Lyn Hartl the President of the company was “personally” going to conduct the demo. And yes I did feel important.

3. The day of the presentation was everything it was cracked up to be. No fluff, no hard closes, just proof of how this could alleviate the shortcomings of our current programs. And yes he continually had subtle closes in the form of getting me to agree to the value(s) and how it would make a positive impact on our organization.

4. At the end of the demo, we had a short question and answer session, and then he asked more about our business. From that he informed me that they price accordingly to each individual company and that his team would discuss pricing and get back to me. Wow special pricing for just us.

5. Then I received an Email, requesting that I sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before they are willing to give me pricing! What the heck? I’ve got to sign an NDA to get pricing? Are you kidding? Nope, they weren’t kidding and after I stopped laughing, I signed it. I’m thinking this has got to be the greatest closing tool ever.

6. Next day I get a call from Joel, the VP of Operations and he “personally” wants to go over this with me. Wow, special pricing that I can’t talk about, the President, VP of Ops and the BDM all giving me special attention and a product and/or service would rank 10 on the HOLY SMOKES scale.

7. And they weren’t through…They were filled with handling objections from a “preemptive strike position.” They covered the potential objections, mainly price, before I could ask. They had all the answers.

For those of you who have attended my sales and management seminars, you will know that I have always preached (known as a Mancusoism) there is 3 points to the sale. Know yourself and your limitations, know your product/service like nobody else and all that it leaves is finding out the prospects pain, set his hair on fire and you become the fire extinguisher. Nice Job WTS Paradigm! It proves professionalism in sales arena is alive and well.
Have a tremendous week. If I can assist in any way, please call or write and I will respond immediately!


The Talent War

We all know demographics and economic forces are conspiring to create a "talent war." If we are not in the human resources or workforce management consulting areas, how can we best help our clients?

Great question. It is logical to think that with the recession, the pressure to find talent might be reduced for a few years. Good employees are going to stay while those around them are being laid off or are wary of changing jobs and losing any seniority. However, consider a survey by salary.com earlier this year that found, even in this recession, that 2 of 3 employees were actively or passively looking for jobs. This is almost twice the rate employers estimated.

The most talented employees are logically looking for opportunities inside and outside the companies in which they work. As the economy undergoes major shifts, more opportunities and new challenges will certainly open up at other companies. Because they will remember how they and their colleagues were treated when times were tough, they will act on bad treatment as soon as the economy improves. Probably the best thing you can do for your client is to assure that they clearly show their employees how valuable they are and to carefully consider what may be considered by employees as a lack of loyalty.

Executives must level with employees, even letting them know that they don't know. Historically, this may not have been the right advice, but in this environment, when your best employees are more mobile than ever (and more are Gen X and Gen Y, for whom loyalty means less than for Boomers), disclosure and engagement are critical.

Tip: Joe Pine who wrote, "The Experience Economy; Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage", and others, talk about how increasingly important experience is to a brand. This is true for employees as well as customers. Help your client make the employee experience more meaningful and trusting by not focusing on negotiating benefits, or promising more benefits when the economy turns around. If layoffs occur, use your skills in technology, strategy, process, or other discipline to help your client understand what elements of those activities in which you are an expert employees find most valuable or most significantly impact the employee experience.

The 4th quarter is now in full swing and hopefully you and your organization are working your plan to close out 2009 with tremendous success. If I can assist in any way, please call or write and I will respond immediately! Have a great week.

NEXT WEEK: Next week I’m going to tell you a short story about a Wisconsin based company that made an outstanding and professional sales presentation to me. I was so inspired by their defined process I asked and received permission from their president to tell their story.


George F. Mancuso CPC