
How Can I Get My Team to BUY IN to My Recommendations?

ONE OF OUR READERS ASKED: From a management position, what should I do if my staff OR team attacks my recommendation(s)?

Try to avoid getting defensive. After all, your client's staff might actually be right in questioning your recommendations. One of my very first thought was, “did you include them in any of the planning, goals and/or decision making process?”

They also might have "other" motivations, may be operating under very different assumptions than you are, or even feel defensive themselves. Perhaps you were not clear enough in presenting your recommendations to the team. If any of the above are true, getting defensive will probably not help.

So what do you do? First, try to gain an understanding on where you and the staff or team differ. Clarify your assumptions, rationale, conclusions, and specific recommendations and be prepared to modify them if required. Let them know that you want to better understand their thinking by asking a few questions.

Here are three potential examples:

  1. "Folks, I was assuming the following parameters are present (describe them). Are my assumptions in synch with yours?"
  2. "Perhaps I was not clear in what I was recommending. May I ask you a few questions to help me understand your concerns with my recommendations a little better?"
  3. "I am sensing that I might have 'stepped on some toes' here. That was absolutely not my intention. Help me to better understand your thinking and concerns, and let me see if I can clarify where I was coming from."

Listen carefully to how they respond and be open to changing your approach where appropriate. While dealing with the individuals or group, be sure you respect their thinking and acknowledge the validity of their approach. Move on to clarify your approach and explain why it has merit.

The next time you present your recommendations to staff, try labeling them "Preliminary Recommendations for Discussion Purposes". This might set a much better tone for the presentation, showing clearly that you are looking for staff input.


George F. Mancuso, CPC, CEO
Client Growth Consultants, Inc.


  1. I will suggest to suport your recommendations with data and similar examples.

  2. The key to this type of discussion is to have others on board with the recommendations. In a team environment there is transparency so the team would not me surprised. Initial conversations can be had but also not presenting as a mandate or final discussion is best. You have the sell the idea and get buy in. If there are objections respond or take not of the objections to gain a clearer understanding of what is happening in the human dynamic of change


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