April 18, 2010
Q: I know you have spoken to this before but I’m still real conflicted in trying to grow myself into what I call a “management success.” Any general additional thoughts you can share at this time? (Alfred D., President – Internet Service Co., Fort Lauderdale, FL)
A: To be an effective manager, you must pay attention to the multiple levels of management, your leadership role and growth within organization. It's a bit difficult to arbitrarily build a "management success" model and say that the following five items are the most important for a manager to achieve success. I will, however, take this opportunity to suggest a few management success skills, for which I believe you should have, embrace and/or learn, to be a successful manager.
I’ve said this many times in the past, but an outstanding manager is one that is a true leader with whom people are willing to associate themselves and follow you into the battle of the business world. EVERY action you take during your career within an organization helps determine whether people will one day want to follow you.
In addition consider the following suggestions:
• Foster and build interpersonal relationships that create trust, respect and collaboration.
• Be totally in tuned to communicate effectively in person, print and email.
• Listening and two-way feedback characterize your interaction with others.
• Build a team that enables other team members to collaborate more effectively with each other. People feel they have become more effective, more creative, and more productive, in the presence of a team builder.
• Create an environment in which people experience uplifting or positive morale and recognition so that employees are motivated to work hard for the success of the business.
• Provide recognition to “all” when others demonstrate their leadership skills as well.
• Think about this… “You have the power to make their day or break their day.” Your choice. No kidding.
• You as a manager or supervisor have a tremendous impact on an employee’s motivation by your words, your body language, and the expression on your face. Because as a manager, supervisor, or leader, you telegraph your opinion of THEIR value to the people you employ.
• And finally, your entrance into the work place every day will set the tone. Again the choice is yours….grumpy, happy, business like, caring, leader or a dictator. Which sounds best to you?
Thank you for your readership and as always your comments or questions are always welcome. If you like what you read here, please pass on the link for your friends or colleagues to receive a copy of The Desk of Gman as well. Have a tremendous week.
George F. Mancuso, CPC
Gman Business Resources
Grinnell, IA