
How Do People Perceive You

August 10, 2008

For all the efforts we make as consultants to present ourselves in as good a light as possible, sometimes we just have to step back and applaud some who turn adversity into a strength.
Many of you may remember the job wanted ad [<<
The ad generated a flurry of job offers from companies who were looking for skills, not pedigree or marquee firm history. What does this tell you about how to market your experience?

What is there about your experience (let's presume it is not criminal, but even that is not off the table), that you can repurpose as a strength?
Can you use this thought process with regards to your company, your management skills/style, you ability to deal most effectively with people? Of course you can.

P.S. Please check out our new website: www.MyMonavie.com/GMancuso Once you are there, be certain to read, “My Story.”

George F. Mancuso
George F. Mancuso, CPC

George F. Mancuso CPC, President
Gman Business Resources, Inc.
409 16th Avenue, Grinnell, IA 50112 -1065
Phone: 641.236.7910 Ext. 101~ Fax: 641.236.7912

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