
Reflections of 2008

Today's discussion, which is the last in 2008, is about reflection and perspective on what delights you about your profession and/or your business practices.

Spend a few minutes thinking back over your professional career. Close your eyes (after you are done reading this) and go over the research, marketing, selling, engagements, client conversations, employee to employee conversations, analyses, interviews, publicity events presenting findings and recommendations and being called back to provide additional products, services or mentoring. What were the one or two most satisfying and rewarding events or moments you have experienced?

Was it when a team received applause at a board meeting for your work they performed under your direction? Was it winning an engagement or a sale you had been pursuing for some time? Was it reaching a unique conclusion or insight after a long period of analysis? Was it the times you spent with a valued colleague working on a difficult problem? What about being able to speak to audiences about your work or about your profession in general? Or is it the flexibility of lifestyle business and/or sales management can afford you?

Is there a pattern? What were you doing when you experienced your favorite moment? If you think about a few of your favorite moments, is there a pattern? Are they all related to selling your services or wining an engagement, or are they mostly about doing the work? Are the winning moments all of one type? If so, how will you make 2009 a year when you get to experience more of those delightful moments? Why shouldn't you focus your efforts on living a professional life full of joy?

Conversely, what were some of the worst moments of your professional career? Is there a pattern? Can you restructure your business practice to eliminate or at least mitigate them?

2009 is exactly 4 days away. I sincerely hope that my weekly messages of hope, leadership, management, sales and dealing most effectively with people in general has been a good inspiration to your business and personal lives alike. I get my ideas from many of you who send me comments that reflect your perspective. I get great pleasure from those of you who ask me great questions about business acumen, growth, sales and treat of and by people. And I certainly hope that pleasure rings loud and clear each week as this “People Newsletter” goes out.

I would like to wish you a tremendous 2009! If we can ever be of assistance to you, please contact me via Email, U.S. Mail or call and we will respond immediately!


George F. Mancuso, CPC
Gman Business Resources, Inc.


Are we Really in Hard Times?

Q: Are we really in hard times?

A: Today it appears that we have been delivered harder times than we have experienced in the past. And as with anything else in life, uncertainty exacerbates the situation at hand. However it is times like this that makes me want to remind my friends and colleagues of that which we already know, mainly because these thoughts are so simple and fundamental;

1. Things are never as bad as they or the media makes them seem.
a. The economists that we listen to (and remain reassuringly consistent regardless of the news) tell us that the markets will begin to improve in February and that the stocks don't fall unless people buy. And people buy because they are convinced that stock prices will increase.
b. The media has always been the messenger of perceived doom and gloom from those who call themselves “experts” in these matters. Only if we allow ourselves to be lead into this black hole do their predictions come true.
c. We Americans are a resilient bunch and have demonstrated time and time again that we know how to overcome adversity and bring our lives back to normal. And I subscribe to you today that now is one of those times.

2. What you do in difficult times will result in greater rewards than what you do during the good times.
a. Difficult times make or break businesses, careers - and families. Make your own success by not getting distracted by the times and focusing on what is important, what you have to do. You'll benefit from being clear headed and conveying stability in these times, and it will benefit those around you as well.
b. From within your own circles of friends and/or influence demonstrate your leadership.

3. The best times quite often follow the worst times.
a. There can't be good times without bad times. Almost 3,000 years ago Solomon recognized that there is "a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away."
b. And although these are hard and uncertain times, we need not mourn.
c. We need not stick our heads in the sand.
d. We must as individuals and as a group be the “good times” leaders of the world.

A friend of mine told me recently, don’t be a lightning rod, but be the lighting that ignites the rod! I still firmly believe that in these economic times, we must be the leaders we claim to be during the good times. When the so called recovery comes, you will be so far ahead of your competition, it won’t even be funny. Put your “A” game face on, get into the trenches and make your markets, take no prisoners and grow yourself and your business!

As always, I wish you a tremendous week, filled with good spirits, good business, family and great health.


Rapid Response of Manager

Q: I have noticed a big difference among managers. It is not so much the varied technical skills or level of confidence but different senses of how quickly to move on a project. Any comments on this subject?

A: This sense of urgency you mention does make a difference in how effective you can be as a manager or sales professional. Certainly, a manager who presses ahead and gets the job done quickly will be viewed favorably by his/her constituents, other managers and the client. The sooner a solution is presented and implemented, the sooner a company can improve its effectiveness in the area in which demands the most attention. A manager who is a true leader bringing a sense of urgency will move faster through diagnosis, solution and implementation and encourage the staff to do the same.

However, remember that speed is not everything. Don't move so fast into a solution that the team is left behind. Many of us have solved the problem (or at least so we thought) on the first day and were anxious to implement the solution. But, unless a team wants and commits to a “buy-in” of a turnkey solution instead of mere advice on how they can address the issue, you do more harm than good by rushing.

Once you have the lay of the land in an engagement, discuss with your team and/or client what functions, processes and people are likely to be the "rate limiting step" of your implementation process. It might be information management, or staff scheduling, or approvals. Agree with your team(s) which ones are worth waiting for and which ones hinder rapid results. With this mutual understanding, and recognizing that some elements of your operation may not be able to move as fast as everyone wants, you can press ahead as fast as you have explicitly agreed with your team.
Changes in a client's market or overall economic conditions do present a challenge for management and sales teams. However, if you are in a position to see how your client or market is changing, it is also a great opportunity to increase the value you can provide.

Almost every change in an organization means a change on the organization chart. Positions are added or removed. Reporting relationship are typically altered. Overall structure may be leveled or new layers added. Each of these changes presents an opportunity to provide some services to smooth the transition. Ostensibly, these changes were thought out and intentional. However, sometimes they are made with some, but not enough, forethought.

Once you feel you have a solid grasp of the emerging situation, develop some recommendations of how your plan(s) might help the transition. Thinking at the highest level will help you better understand your needs and the needs of your team and clients and will likely let them see you in a more strategic light.

Have a safe and prosperous week. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

George Mancuso, CPC
Gman Business Resources, Inc.
Grinnell, Iowa


Are You Going to Lead Us Out of this Crisis?

Q. Are you going to be a leader in this crisis or a hopeful tag-a-long follower?

A. Two weeks ago I wrote a short newsletter entitled “Is the Sky Really Falling?” I received over 100 comments about the article, most all were positive. So I’d like to give you my humble (or not so humble depending on how you look at it,) opinion about the recovery process.

All week I have been hearing about layoffs, cut backs and temporary and in some cases permanent closings of plants and service operations. Okay so now the reality seems to be setting in that for the last 24 months or so you haven’t prepared for any serious down turn in your business and now that problem looms large over your operation. You can’t go back but you can go forward, beginning today, right now, no more excuses, and the time has come to act aggressively. No more sitting back and waiting…..become a leader….make it happen….show the world what you are truly made of!

I believe you have two choices:

1. Sit back and take a wait and see posture and hope that SOMEBODY begins the turnaround sooner rather than later. And if you are lucky, it will be sooner and you won’t go out of business before it happens. However in this scenario I ask you, WHO IS “SOMEBODY?” Does somebody have a name? Is it our government? Our lawmakers? The big players in the business world? WHO?
2. Or in the second choice, YOU can be the market maker. This is the time when you should be advertising, you should be pushing your sales departments to get 10 times as aggressive, offer deals you never thought possible to stimulate sales, make purchases that improve your operation. Are you bullish on YOU? Are you bullish on YOUR TEAM? Are you confident that YOU can be a leader in your industry from a small role to a large role? If you answers are NO, then you should revert back to item 1 above and maybe even consider updating your resume.

There are over 700 people that I send this newsletter to weekly. And each and every one of you is capable of leading your company out of this so called mess we are in. The election is 2 days away…..no matter what the results, ask yourselves…..NOW WHAT? What excuses am I going to use now? Am I going to be in category 1 or 2 above?

You really can’t use gas as an excuse as the price of gas in falling rapidly. Thursday night I paid $1.97 a gallon and that’s a far cry from the $4.10+ we all had to endure. I think of all of the negative comments around the world about how high gas prices were going to be our doom and how America was going to be crippled. Guess what folks we survived and continue to survive. We as individuals acted and reacted and we prevailed, which is the way it is suppose to be.

SOMEBODY is making changes or the gas wouldn’t be coming down. The truckers we speak to are “quietly” busier than ever so that certainly indicates that SOMEBODY has done something different. If the truckers would have thrown in the towel when diesel got so high, where would be today without trucking? It happened because SOMEBODY made a plan and became the leader and changed the process to work for them, their companies and their industry.

Again I ask, what is SOMEBODY’s name? Just think if each of you follows my suggestion, there will be 700+ new plans of attacks beginning now. Next week may I substitute the word SOMEBODY for your name?

Two months left in 2008 and I wish you tremendous success in the race to the finish line. Have a tremendous week.

George F. Mancuso
Gman Business Resources, Inc.


Is The Sky Really Falling?

October 19,2008

Q: Is the sky really falling?

A: If you listen to the all of the “expert” newscasters, the answer is yes. These folks seem to be able to tell us of the doom and gloom all over the world. And they ride those stories into the ground and over just about any other news item. I’ve even considered not voting in the general election because these so called analytical geniuses who apparently were given an over abundance of brains and psychic abilities have already told me who is going to be our next President.

There is no doubt that Wall Street is demonstrating such a wild ride that even the most formidable roller coaster is jealous. But why should you watch just those indicators? Personally I believe another opportunity of a lifetime is right before our very eyes.

Take a serious look at the “big boys” for a serious predictor; T. Boone Pickens, Warren Buffet and yes even Donald Trump. Have you heard even one story of these players sticking their heads in the sand or putting their proverbial tails between their legs and riding into the sunset?

In fact they and many other big players have become super aggressive. Buffet was quoted in the New York Times early this week stating, “…Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.” Now doesn’t that speak volumes? And please don’t tell me he has the money and can afford it. That’s bunk. The only difference between big players and small players is the number of zeros at the end. The risk factors are the same or great for them.

The sky is only going to fall in on your world if you let it. This situation exemplifies many of my previous newsletters. It is imperative that you keep the sales hopper filled at ALL times. When times are good it’s when the sales teams need to work with more definition and continued diligence. When they are successfully selling services and products their demeanor is in the win/win mode. Business people want to do business with winners. If you have set back on your laurels, get off your butts and give positive direction to your team. Be a leader…..put your growth face on and make it happen!

One final example; we Americans didn’t take the high dollar gas prices lying down. We got smart and slowed down and drove less. Surpluses were up and prices are really coming down. In fact here in the Midwest it’s below $2.50 a gallon. We showed the oil companies, the government and any other entities that had their hands in the gas process that we just were NOT going to take it. So why should we take this bump in the road of our business lives? We shouldn’t….end of story…..we shouldn’t! No guilt here but the choice is yours….your business (growth) burden lies directly on your shoulders.

Don’t fall prey to the news media and all the pundits. Step up to the plate, get aggressive and remake your market. Reinvent yourself or your company, but don’t run and hide and hope somebody else “fixes” it.

Hopefully, you will go out this week and truly make a difference. Best wishes and good health.


George F. Mancuso, CPC


Stay Focused

October 12, 2008

Q: When is comes to sales or the business world in general, what's the
secret to finding the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow"?

A: I wished I was smart enough to have all the perfect answers for this question. As you might guess, there is no satisfying and complete answer to this question. One suggestion might be to closely observe the key characteristics of two types: those who smoothly surf the "ocean" towards success and those who get knocked over by every wave. What might you see?

I believe the most successful professionals are those who know how to:

• See and seize every opportunity
• Save and invest wisely
• Create value for others and translate it into value for them.
• Protect their good ideas and effectively market them.
• Leverage their work and repackage it into books, seminars, speaking, etc.
• Leverage the skills of others in order to get something accomplished.
• Put their clients first and keep a close tab on their customer's needs at all times.
• Effectively promote themselves and become more sought after.
• Be more effective and proficient than most others in their field.
• Simply want it more.

How many of these things are being done by the successful sales and/or management people you have chosen to observe?

There are many things that you can do in your career to help point you in the direction of the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." One thing is fairly certain: you are in the driver's seat. Make a list of goals, actions, and directions today and stop burning or wasting daylight. The time to act is now no matter what your career or job entails.

As always, please accept my wish for a great and healthy week. Your questions or comments are truly welcome.

George F. Mancuso


Sales vs. Tough Economic Times

October 5, 2008

Q: The economy and all of these bail outs worry me. Usually an economic catastrophe provides opportunities for sales and consulting professionals. However this time it seems that clients are pulling back on most fronts. How can I best strengthen my business pipeline?

A: Business moves fast, so professionals who don't constantly learn new skills and/or methods quickly fall behind in their ability to provide value to clients. Although we nurture long term relationships, you should continually be interested in finding new clients who could benefit from your expertise, products or services. Many companies are getting caught with their proverbial pants down because they laid back on their laurels, reputation and past customers. Now the results are the sales “hopper” is no longer filled with immediate potential sales opportunities thus companies all over the U.S. are scrambling. It makes me feel like we have all forgotten some of the basic concepts of sales 101.

Anyone can sit at home and read a business magazine or book but the most effective way to strengthen our business models are to actively and aggressively engage in the sales process. Now is NOT the time to get into a “wait and see” posture. If you want to be the sales leader, act the like sales leader by getting into the “trenches” and make things happen. If you don’t do it, whom do you expect will do it for you?

We can learn a great deal from hearing about emerging markets, new technologies and new approaches to serving clients. Conferences provide a perfect crucible for getting us out of our safe zones, ward off sales obsolescence, build a national network, and fill our business pipeline. We can't do that from a book or talking to our long term colleagues. Be proactive and remove procrastination from your vocabulary.

It’s the first week of October and we are into the home stretch for the 4th quarter. Hopefully this week will be all you want it to be.


George F. Mancuso, CPC


Important Management Concepts

September 28, 2008

Q: Would you be kind enough to share with us concepts that would be most important to sales and management professionals?
Bill T., President - Service Organization, Denver, CO

A: From my prospective Vision, Mission and Values are extremely important concepts that all professionals should be intimately familiar with to best serve their company, customers, team and themselves.

The "VISION" is essentially like painting a vivid and unique picture of an organization's future, focusing specifically on what the organization ideally wants to accomplish long term; what it wants to ultimately become. Its ultimate purpose is to create a sense of shared purpose, motivation, and drive to achieve between the organization and its employees. Its resonant impact should be reflected in the way the board governs, the way the CEO manages, and the way people work.

The "MISSION" describes why the organization exists. It describes its fundamental purpose and core business for the benefit of its stakeholders and society as whole. Focused on the present, it should emphasizes what the company currently is and not what it is striving to become.

"VALUES" are the organization's key guiding principles, fundamental beliefs and expected behaviors. "Values" help to create a cohesive corporate culture and are critical to supporting the organization's mission and ensuring that its vision is ultimately achieved.

As managers, executives, owners or sales professionals, it is strongly recommend that we are cognizant of and fully understand the expressed vision, mission and values of our company and/or clients. It will provide a helpful reference point in general discussion, making proposals, and recommending actions.

Sales Tip: Visit your clients Web sites in order to locate their vision, mission, and values - many times they are posted for the public. Evaluate whether the services and recommendations you have provided to the client are inline with their concepts. Also, note if your own firm's vision, mission and values are in alignment with your client's. If not, a discussion with your client might be in order.

The fourth and final quarter of 2008 has begun. Hopefully your goals are on track, your health is good and the year will finish as a success in your eyes and the eyes of all those around you.

George F. Mancuso, CPC

Train Your Replacement

September 14, 2008

Q: I read in the past your statement about “always be training your replacement.”
Would you mind expounding on that concept:
Martin, Plant Manager, Youngstown, OH

A: I firmly believe that one should always be training his/her replacement at all times and here is why. Your title says Plant Manager. If you are continually working with an employee or two, grooming them to learn your job and take your place, you will be ready!

Ready for what you ask? Ready for the following:

i. Ready when a promotion might come along and the boss says, I’d give you that promotion if who have an employee that can take your place? No replacement, no promotion.
ii. Training other employees to your level will instill in your team an abundance of strength.
iii. Giving other employees your knowledge and helping them grow will make them better employees, make them feel appreciated & wanted and demonstrate your internal quality as a person/leader.

Just think of the power of what I just said. If everybody on your team was helping each other grow, production would be up, morale would be up, growth would be up, employees would want to come to work each day and perform a quality job. This is true for a production line an office or at the executive level. Nobody is exempt.

And if your mindset is, “well if I teach all I know, they won’t need me and then he/she will try to take my job,” PLEASE DON’T!!! Paranoia is not healthy and is not warranted. Give of yourself, help grow the people around you and the results will amaze you. Hopefully your immediate supervisor and his/her supervisor above will read this and everybody in your company will get on the program of caring about each other. Wow, what a concept, caring about each other in a warm and friendly workplace! 

As the fourth week of the month of September begins , I wish you a great week and a prosperous run in business and in health, to the end of the year.


George F. Mancuso, CPC


The Facts About Employee Recruiting and Retention

September 14, 2008

Q: I am constantly asked about employee retention and recruiting the “best” people, thus, the subject for this week’s newsletter. I certainly hope you enjoy this, find it interesting & educational and share with your management staff.

A: THERE IS AN IMPENDING CRISIS IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE. TOO MANY JOBS, TOO FEW PEOPLE! Projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast a shortage of 10,300,000 workers by 2010! And this shortage is simply raw numbers; it doesn’t fully address the growing skills gap. The numbers also don’t take into account the changing attitudes in the workforce.

Because so few corporate leaders are fully cognizant of their predicament, executives who DO prepare for the new operating environment will lead their organizations to a bright future; those who ignore the threat, risk dangerous vulnerability. With these thoughts in mind, I have six suggestions for owners and managers with regards to employee retention and staffing.

Suggestion # One: IF YOU PAY PEANUTS, YOU GET SQUIRRELS! The old expression that “you get what you pay for” is never truer when it comes to employees. To get above average talent, service and productivity, you must consider pay grades that are above the average for competitors in your marketplace. It is ludicrous to think you can get a world-class staff by paying below average wages.

Suggestion # Two: PEOPLE JOIN A COMPANY BUT THEY LEAVE A BOSS! When I ask members of a management team why they have heavy turnover, the answers are usually the same: no recognition, no promotional opportunities, no training, work not appreciated, lousy benefits, too much stress, overwork and of course the most popular, a better opportunity for more money. What amazes me is all of these excuses are fixable by management, but they go into a non-response mode with a complacent, “oh well.”

But in reality the number one reason IS LOUSY MANAGEMENT OR SUPERVISION! If the basic supervisor-employee relationship is not good, employees leave with dispatch. And what is really sad is that this problem is fixable.

Suggestion # Three: LOUSY COMPANIES CONDONE LOUSY MANGERS AND GREAT COMPANIES FIX LOUSY MANAGERS! Executives and owners often confide in me, “George, it isn’t easy”. Just because so and so is a lousy manager, he/she means no harm. OR He/she has been with me for so many years and is a good person. OR my all time favorite, he/she is my wife’s brother/sister.

Loyalty is one thing but if you have a supervisor or manager that continually drives away good talented people, you have ONLY two choices: Fix him/her by getting them into a training and/or self development program or GET THAT PERSON OUT OF MANAGEMENT!

Suggestion # Four: SOME PEOPLE JUST SHOULD NOT BE WORKING FOR THIS COMPANY! Have you ever thought of someone in your organization that you would gladly fill out an employment application for them for ANOTHER company and then offer to drive them to the interview? Whenever I am asked, “what is the fastest way to turn around low morale” my first and immediate response is to get rid of the “turkeys” in the organization. Your company should be staffed with EAGLES not turkeys.

Suggestion # Five: RETENTION IS A LEADERSHIP PROBLEM, NOT A HUMAN RESOURCE PROBLEM! Leadership, whether strong or weak, ultimately determines the overall retention rate of your company. Retaining GREAT employees is far too important to completely delegate to mid-level managers or human resource managers. Retention must be front and center within every strategic initiative, expansion plan or turnaround situation that you face. Remember, leaders are not necessarily good managers and managers are not necessarily good leaders. It doesn’t have to be that way, but most times it is.

Suggestion # Six: HIRE A GREAT OUTSIDE GROWTH CONSULTANT TO HELP YOU! If you do not have internal staff with a learning and training curriculum, spend the money and hire an outside, highly qualified (one who has been there and done that) consultant to help you design a plan, train all trainable employees and get over your high employee turnover. It will be the best money you ever spent. Third party influence many times works much better than hearing from a peer or upper management person. Employees WANT to learn, they WANT to grow and will reward you when given the opportunity to do. Lack of retention cost corporations millions of dollars on a DAILY BASIS! You don’t have to fall into that category.

May your week be filled with health, happiness and the achievement of your personal and business goals.

George F. Mancuso, CPC
Gman Business Resources, Inc.
Grinnell, IA


More About Change in the Workplace

September 7, 2008

Q: I recently started an engagement where the client was fully behind the project. Yet, when our team started on the project, the staff didn't know about it and, once they did, were less than enthusiastic about it. Is this the client's responsibility to prepare the staff for the engagement?
Erin J., Business Consultant, Salt Lake City, UT

A: Absolutely! The client is responsible for communicating with his or her staff and managing their activities. However, in situations where management consultants are asked to improve operations, it is often these very communication and management activities that are in need of improvement. Thus, this becomes part of your engagement responsibility, per the agreement with your client.

If the client hasn't done so, have you thought about what should you do about connecting with staff?
Your effectiveness is tied to the cooperation, or at least understanding, of the staff. Work with the client to develop a communication plan aimed specifically at staff. Describe the objectives of the engagement, how the process will work, and the roles of both your team and client staff. Help the client deliver these messages and provide a mechanism for staff to ask questions and get answers throughout the engagement.

Use this opportunity to increase value by improving client communication management. Spend the extra time (if you can make a compelling recommendation to add this to your engagement) to help your client improve their personal communication planning, skills and the acceptance and cooperation of staff for your engagement. Everybody can benefit and best of luck in this engagement.
As always please accept my wishes for an outstanding week in your personal and business life.

George Mancuso, CPC
Gman Business Resources, Inc.


Where has all the loyalty and honor gone?

Q: Where has all the loyalty and honor gone?

Every week I get Emails from employees and employers alike speaking to the lack of loyalty and honor between the two. The last couple of weeks seemed to bring an onslaught of more of the same. So this week’s newsletter will be from 3 prospective positions: Employees, Employers and a Recruiter. This will be a cumulative of many Emails, and in most cases, paraphrased by me;

From the Employees:

1. “….There is no loyalty in the corporate structure today. At any given moment if it suits the firm due to finance or otherwise, not a thought is given to eliminating staff at any level or years of service.”
2. “….To add salt to the wound, the #1 cutting method embraced and codified by firms to survive or thrive is to undermine any expense they can save by not extending what is due the employee. This is what CEO’s are taught in many executive level courses.”
3. “….Setting up loyalty and accountability within firms disenfranchises the people and sets up a perfect atmosphere to use this effort to the companies’ advantage then discard the employees when it suits them. This of course is a total contradiction to what the reality of the intrinsic corporate world of today.

From the Employers:

1. “….Why are employees continually searching for new jobs? Don’t they realize that if they’d give us loyalty and tenure it would be as much to their benefit as it would to ours?”
2. “….There is no loyalty in the workforce today. They want to get in, get what they can for themselves and get out.
3. “….The workforce today has learned the lessons of loyalty and what’s in it for them. But if we don’t keep giving and giving to the “me - me” mentality, the company ends up on the short end and another costly rehire. It’s hard to embrace employees with this mentality.”

From the Recruiters About Employers:

1. “…Hiring managers have lost their honor! They give me a search then “back door” me by doing their own search. They will use my candidates to benchmark the ones they find. Costs me time, money and credibility in the recruiting theater from our candidates’ standpoint. This lack of professional courtesy demonstrates a void in a hiring managers personal makeup.”
2. “….Time kills all deals and hiring managers today string people along always looking for the next candidate that “might” be one slight notch better than the candidate they claim they really like.”
3. “….Hiring authorities have become blatant prevaricators (liars) in their feedback to me the recruiter and to our candidates. What they don’t realize that their actions and statements give their own company a bad name.”

From the Recruiters about Employees:

1. “….No show to interview by prospective employees has become an alarming frequent occurrence. Every time this occurs, that employees name gets an additional strike against it.”
2. “….Fall outs or quitters by new employees have become a frequent occurrence as well. Start a job, work a few days then just don’t show up. Don’t they do a due diligence on the company, the drive, the environment etc., before they accept the position?”
3. “….Candidates that tell us they will relocate and we find them a great opportunity and at the last minute decided that relocation really wasn’t an option. Another slam to their credibility.
4. “….Relocation issues are becoming huge. Candidates tell me they will relocate and at the last minute pull back usually blaming their spouses. It get’s the new companies hopes up that they found a quality employee, they get my hopes up that I will get a placement and instead it becomes a 3 way losing cause. Very costly to all concerned.”
5. “….Many candidates today will tell me whatever it takes to get the interview. Once they start to make progress they start to get an attitude and greed pops up its ugly head.”


George F. Mancuso, CPC
Gman Business Resources, Inc.
Grinnell, Iowa


Retention - Change and Conflict

NOTE: In the last 30 days, I have received 41 Emails requesting additional suggestions, ideas or conceptual designs with regards to RETENTION and CHANGE. Your questions vary through the spectrum, so I’ll do my best to address the concept again.

The commonality to most of your Emails, have to do with conflict. An example is; “One person or team wanting or attempting to implement change while another person or team is determined to derail any and all change that THEY don’t think of.”

A. When you have long term, entrenched employees who are petrified of having their little apple cart upset, you will have conflict.

B. When you have management that talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk so that change can be embraced, you will have conflict.

C. When you have employees who don’t “sign up” for OR “buy in” to the upcoming change process, you will have conflict.

D. When change is dictated and not a team effort, you will have conflict.

E. When management or supervisors are micro-managers, you will have conflict.

F. When the dissenting employees get into their “derail” mode but justify their position (usually confidentially) to weak management, thus getting management to assist in the derailment, YOU WILL HAVE CONFLICT!

Hopefully you get the picture. If you are going to implement change, and don’t include everybody in the communication process and offer a reasonably methodology to resolve issues, your change process is destined to fail with no matter WHO you bring in to initiate change.

For additional edification, I believe that some of the pillars or foundations for a successful team include:

1. Communications

1. Keeping employees informed is paramount to success

2. The Right Leadership

1. If you have weak or worn out leaders, they don’t make good role models

3. Effective Decision Making

1. Make the best decisions you can without excessive procrastination

4. The Team is Results Focused

1. Everybody MUST agree to each other & themselves to stay focused

5. Defined Mutual Accountability

1. Team members must know what is expected of them & that they ARE accountable.

6. Proactive Demeanor of the Team

1. A team needs to be in the game at all times, not just when something goes wrong

7. Shared or Collective Accountability

1. Not only as individuals but as a team, you stand together through the rights and the wrongs

8. Dependency on Each Other

1. If you don’t feel comfortable depending on your team member, your team will have gaping holes

9. A Define Conflict Resolution Process

1. Without this process, conflict will fester and destruction is just over the hill

10. Optimism (Optimistic Teams are Positive)

1. Must possess a “can do” attitude at ALL times

11. Supporting Each Other in a Positive Manner

1. If one member is having difficulty with a process, employee or even a customer, another team member(s) will step up to assist

12. Set Common Goals and Strategies with Clear Expectations

1. Don’t set goals that are destined to fail. Be realistic

13. Trust and Reliability in the Team Members (The Right People)

1. Be certain that the team is filled with credible, honest and dedicated employees.

I hope your week will be filled with very little conflict, good decision making, prosperity and great health!

George F. Mancuso, CPC


Gman Business Resources, Inc.



How Do People Perceive You

August 10, 2008

For all the efforts we make as consultants to present ourselves in as good a light as possible, sometimes we just have to step back and applaud some who turn adversity into a strength.
Many of you may remember the job wanted ad [<<
The ad generated a flurry of job offers from companies who were looking for skills, not pedigree or marquee firm history. What does this tell you about how to market your experience?

What is there about your experience (let's presume it is not criminal, but even that is not off the table), that you can repurpose as a strength?
Can you use this thought process with regards to your company, your management skills/style, you ability to deal most effectively with people? Of course you can.

P.S. Please check out our new website: www.MyMonavie.com/GMancuso Once you are there, be certain to read, “My Story.”

George F. Mancuso
George F. Mancuso, CPC

George F. Mancuso CPC, President
Gman Business Resources, Inc.
409 16th Avenue, Grinnell, IA 50112 -1065
Phone: 641.236.7910 Ext. 101~ Fax: 641.236.7912

We take spamming very serious. This newsletter is being sent to people in our opt-in newsletter, business contacts and associates only. If you would like to have your Email address removed, please click HERE and it will be done immediately!


Techniques for Closing the Sale

August 3, 2008

Q: Closing sales or service engagements sometimes takes longer than expected, even when we've had lengthy discussions with the client and everything seems to have been negotiated. What is the secret to having more success with the closing the event?
Steve H., V.P. of Sales, Oklahoma City, OK

A: Closing is rarely a straight and sure path. Buying is an emotional process and if you force the buyer into a yes or no decision before they are ready, the answer will likely be, no. Think of how you react when salespeople push you, so consider how an executive, who is being asked to yield executive power to a sales professional, feels, when pressed. The alternative to the yes or no decision is to test the sales process with presumptive questions.

I personally have always practiced presumptive selling. I firmly believe the prospect is going to buy from me and I continue that belief UNTIL the prospect convinces ME otherwise. My products and services have always been the best they can be and I didn’t have to make excuses for possible inferior results. Thus all my energy is placed into learning the prospects needs and presenting the solutions.

If you can’t get a definitive YES, you could ask presumptive questions instead of asking for the sale. You do this by asking for something that would be a part of the sale. For example, you might ask if the prospect would find it more useful for you to brief the board or coach him or her to do the final briefing at the end of the engagement. Or, ask if the sales training should include developing a series of online training sessions. Continue and develop this thought process into YOUR products or services and be prepared.

A yes answer to one of these questions is likely a yes answer to the engagement, but is much easier to make for the prospect. Once they have said yes to a critical part of the entire project (usually a high value part), they are on the path to saying yes to the whole engagement. That’s where your professionalism comes into the equation.

Remember, you MUST get a commitment, NO MATTER WHAT! Now a commitment according to old George Mancuso is, “AN AGREEMENT TO DO SOMETHING!” That something might be to set a date future to finalize; or the next appointment; or “if I do this then we have a deal;” or it might even be a commitment to never come back. Don’t leave without knowing the next step and it’s time frame.

It is imperative that you know your organizations AND your limits AND your capabilities AND your ability to perform. I always try to under promise and over deliver. That makes for happy customers and great referrals in the future.

As the last five months of 2008 is now in full bloom, I certainly hope you finish this year with gusto, tremendous personal success and the achievement of all of your goals.


George F. Mancuso, CPC


7 Reasons Employees Sue Their Employers

July 13, 2008

Q: Why Do Employees Sue Their Employers?

A: Nothing would twist your britches into a bunch faster than having the Sheriff stop by to serve you with a lawsuit from a former employee. It immediately becomes a gut wrenching rationalization of why this event should not have taken place. There is a simple cost effective way to protect and/or prepare YOU the company and YOU the employee and I will discuss one such option at the end of this correspondence. But first let’s look at Seven Possible Reasons Employees Sue;

1. No reason given for termination; You’re an at-will employer, so you can fire at will, right? Wrong. Most employees think they’re wonderful employees, and if they get fired for a mysterious reason, they’ll make up their own reason - or their lawyer will. The reason for termination needs to be clear, succinct and legally valid.

2. Termination of an employee for bad performance, when the employee has good performance reviews; This is the big brother to “no reason given for termination.” Supervisors need to understand that they’ll need a poor-performance documentation trail if they want to fire someone. Any competent judge or jury will see the through this one.

3. Coincidental or deficient timing; (a) An employee files an internal complaint about the employer or a supervisor, and then (b) shortly after is disciplined for a supposedly unrelated event. It won’t be hard for a lawyer to connect the dots in court between (a) and (b). Employees who file complaints can be disciplined, but the supervisor better have the documentation in order before making the move.

4. Failure to respond or investigate in a timely manner; When employees file complaints, they want them thoroughly investigated and they want it done now. If an investigation is filed, communication becomes the first defense. Acknowledge the event, set a timely schedule for investigation, and keep the complainant fully informed. Communicate now or explain it in court months or years later to a relentless attorney who will want to know why you didn’t care enough about your employee to act or react in a professional and confidential manner. The jury will be all ears on this one!

5. Viewing an EEOC charge lightly; If you’re contacted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding an employee complaint, respond promptly and courteously - and treat the complaining employee courteously, too. If you’re reluctant or procrastinate in your response or treat the employee like a leper, expect to hear about it in court and from a heavy handed authority at that.

6. Failing to follow your own policies; You can have the best policies and training in the world - and indeed some companies have used that as a defense against a complaint. But you better be able to demonstrate through UNCOMPROMISABLE documentation that your supervisors followed those policies and applied the training and documented the results with no room for error.

7. Lack of respect of their loyalty. You’ve got an employee that is first in, last out, always willing to be part of a team, has successfully achieved all challenges you have put forth. But after being rode hard and put away wet, they are dismissed and replaced with another and usually for less money, less experience and many times less years on the face of the earth. I guarantee that this one will get you in front of a non-compassionate judge and jury.

How to lose a lawsuit

Getting sued is bad enough, but after a lawsuit is filed, employers and employees can make the situation worse:
A. Being unprepared for depositions
B. An inability to locate key documents
C. Responding “I don’t remember” to questions about key events will sink you every time
D. All of that makes good record-keeping even more important

One outstanding solution; Employers don’t want to be sued, and for that matter employers really don’t want dissension in the work place. Employees want an environment that is safe for them. And I’m not just talking about safe from machinery but safe from mental abuse and other psychological or political games that can be played in the work place.

Employees want to know the rules and employers want the rules followed. In the paragraph above the two giant culprits are “unprepared” and “locate documents.” Both of these have caused both employees and employers to lose lawsuits that otherwise would have gone in their favor.

There is one online, web based software program that keeps ALL parties “in check” in the arenas of EEOC, OSHA, ADA, ADEA, Harassment, Environmental Health and Safety, Training, Workmen’s Compensation, Required Manuals, Benefits, AND most importantly, “PROOF OF COMPLIANCE” of the employer and the employee. There is not any one other online service that does it ALL and at cost of pennies a day than, www.HrServeOnline.com .

I would encourage you to visit the site, and pass it on to your owners and managers. You can read this comprehensive and educational website, in its entirety, in five minutes or less. And if you are owners and managers, request a 30 minute demo. It will be the best 30 minute demo you view this year! With over 500 companies with about 50,000+ employees nationwide on the system, this should speak volumes to you.

Accordingly to the Bar Association, attorney’s costs in 2006, for an employee generated lawsuit or EEOC claim have a median average of $160,000.00 ++. The preemptive or proactive solution for all parties is now before you.

There are all kinds of ways disgruntled employees can anonymously attack their current or former employers via the Internet. One such site is www.Glassdoor.com and there are many others that are not so gentle. Why put yourselves into that arena?

As always, I thank you for your readership and please accept my wish for a tremendous week. If I can help in anyway, please call or write and I will respond immediately!


George F. Mancuso, CPC

George F. Mancuso CPC, President
Gman Business Resources, Inc.
409 16th Avenue, Grinnell, IA 50112 -1065
Phone: 641.236.7910 Ext. 101~ Fax: 641.236.7912


How Can I get Hired Without Playing the Race, Age or Disability Card?

July 6, 2008

Q: It is my opinion that the "bait and switch" tactics used by employers and their hired employment agencies is consistently used to screen the undesirable "minority" and/or “disabled” candidates from the better "match" non-minority, non-disabled candidates. Yet, in the face of the various adversities that prevents highly qualified candidates from becoming
gainfully employed, what can a candidate do without playing the race, age or disability card?
Harold R., HR Director, Omaha, NE

A: To begin with I am NOT an expert on racism. I am however a 64 year business professional with a disability (I walk with a cane) and have experienced discrimination from both of these arenas. Even though I am consider an “expert” in retention and other people issues, I was told recently that although I am filled with energy, the President of a particular company was reluctant to hire me to facilitate a management strategy seminar for his people because he wanted somebody that “looked whole.”

Considering I fly airplanes, walk, talk, dress, swim, manage a business, have an exercise regime, play catch with my grandson, facilitate a dozen seminars a year, am happily married and have spent a lifetime learning my trade, I was a bit irritated to say the least. So irritated in fact that I canceled the recruiting contract I had with them, even though it was lucrative and they “claimed” I was one of the few recruiters that every really performed for them.

My advice to you is the same as it is to all of my potential candidates. In order for me to present you as the “most place-able candidate” or better said……in order for YOU to prepare yourself to become the most place-able candidate it all comes down to the following; SKILLS, STABILITY, EXPERIENCE AND ATTITUDE

A. All companies ask me for the “skill set” first. If you don’t match the qualifications, why would you try to force a square peg into a round hole? All it does is offer frustration and a set up for a failure
B. Job hopping is a no-no. I recently read an article that says the Generation X & Y employees will change jobs 26 times in their career path. This is an atrocious goal in life. I hear from hiring managers, “why doesn’t he/she stay any longer than 2 years at any given job?” And I rhetorically respond, “Good question, why don’t they?”
C. You must learn your trade and then relearn your trade every day. Our world moves fast and change is a common word in most growing business environments. If you don’t have the skill sets required by an employer it probably won’t be a match, no matter how hard you try. What did you do in the last 12 months to improve yourself? Remember that YOUR resume is only a job description of who you were. You must be prepared to demonstrate to a prospective hiring manager what you plan to be and how your presence can impact their company in a positive way!

D. There are no longer any “give-me’s” in this world. Having an attitude that the new employer or current employer “owes you” is a destination to nowhere. It all begins with you the employee. Why fall into an impossible stereotype? Why not demonstrate your qualifications by example? My grandmother used to tell me, “deeds not words!”

When I speak with employers about employees they have terminated I hear, “they just acted like they didn’t want to be here; or he/she stood around with his/her hands in their pockets waiting for ME to do it; or He/she never contributed to the conversation, never offer good solutions to problems; or when the five o’clock buzzer rang, they were out the door like a shot.”

All these actions demonstrate why an employer wouldn’t want to keep an employee. And if you fit into these categories, change or the results will mirror your past.

Now from the management or hiring side of these issues I suggest the following;

1. Start looking at candidates from what assets and value that they bring to the organization.
2. Look at candidates with this thought, “if he/she has only five years left to work, how can I empower them to allow me to tap into their knowledge to grow the people in this department or company?”
3. Become known as a company that is a champion of PEOPLE. This will probably include soul searching and making decisions that you have probably not made in your “job hiring” past.
4. The results will be that you will have a work place that people will WANT to work and the word will spread and it will positively affect your sales and bottom line.
5. If one of your friends or parent was noticeably older than you or walked with a disability or had a different color of skin, would you tell him/her not to come to your house because you didn’t want the neighbors to know that you associate with “those types” of HUMAN BEINGS? I think not, so why do it in your business life?
6. QUALIFIED candidates will reward you, the company and their co-workers once given the opportunity to shine.

Go forth and make this a tremendous week for you and everyone around you.!

George F. Mancuso
George F. Mancuso, CPC


How Can I Insure That I Will Be A Strong Leader?

June 29, 2008

Q: I am the president of a 100 employee manufacturing plant in the Midwest. I feel like I must always be a strong leader that cares about and deals effectively with people at all times. Can you offer any “magical” guidelines for me personally and that I can share with all of my employees at all levels?
Marvin L., Des Moines, IA

A: I love your term, “magical.” I really do wish I could waive the magic wand and poof…. all will be beautiful. LOL.

Let me offer you a few considerations that might help guide you in your work environment to recognize, understand, value and apply emotions effectively.

1. AWARENESS: You must be confident in knowing who you are and understand the impact on others of your strengths and weaknesses.
2. REGULATION: You must have the responsibility to manage your own feelings, thoughts and actions in a positive way that allows you to maintain an intrinsic and high standard of integrity.
3. MOTIVATION: As a leader or a member of a team, you have an obligation to develop continuously, your personal resources to the ever-changing, increasing demands of your profession.
4. AWARENESS: You must understand and be sensitive to the feelings, needs and concerns of the people around you that you “serve.”
5. RELATIONSHIPS: You bear the greatest responsibility for establishing, nurturing and where necessary, resolving differences with your interpersonal relationships with colleagues and again, the people you “serve.”
6. INFLUENCE: You have an obligation to foster desirable responses in others by serving as a role model as well as challenging, inspiring, enabling and encouraging everyone to work together toward mutual goals. In part, you achieve this by not being a micro-manager.

While these suggestions may not always be successfully applied, I hope they will be helpful reminders to you to always strive to be the highest quality of professional at all times.


George F. Mancuso, CPC
Gman Business Resources, Inc.


How Can I Keep Generation X and Y Employees Happy?

June 22, 2008

Q: Generation X and Y have their own approach to work that includes a task orientation, a focus on results and an eagerness for change. These sound like skills that companies would or should value in employees. Will Gen X and Y workers inherently make good employees?

A: A recent study claims that most Generation X and Y employees will change jobs up to 26 times in their working life! Although I personally find this alarming, there is a way to slow down the unsettling changes, AND help the X’s and Y’s find comfort in your company.

Businesses highly value employees who can "see the big picture," are adaptable, and are enthusiastic about managing change. Gen X and Y, with the same perspectives, do seem like they would make great employees. But why is that?

One aspect of this approach is the pervasive impact of video games. John Seely Brown and Douglas Thomas write, in The Gamer Disposition in Harvard Business Review’s Breakthrough Ideas for 2008, that online multiplayer games create the exact skills most desired in today’s knowledge workers. These are:

• They are bottom-line orientation
• They understand the power of diversity
• They thrive on change
• They see learning as fun
• They marinate on the “edge”

Seely and Brown see these individuals as learning (from these complex, adaptive, interactive systems) a range of skills such as flexibility, resourcefulness, meritocracy focus, and innovativeness.

And my two cents include:

• They want growth and they want it now
• They want to feel needed and loved
• If they are not feeling the need and the love they will pick up and move to the next company that promises that
• Most will begin looking elsewhere when they perceive they are in boring roles
• From their background in “games” they are very willing to play one scenario against another to accomplish their mindset

So now what can you as an Employer do if you hire an X or a Y into a sales, management or executive role?

• Begin the process at the interview and acceptance states
• Have a definition of the role, expectations beginning DAY ONE.
• Don’t procrastinate on the two points above, you MUST DO THIS
• Don’t micro-manage
• Have a defined process of growth
• Include them in discussion groups of growth
• Continually challenge them to achieve
• Have a method of feedback from them
• Respect their suggestions by discussing, understanding, evaluating for use
• Did I mention they hate being micro-managed?
• This list could go on to great lengths
• If you need help with these issues company wide, Gman Business Resources is here to help.

P.S. The first half of 2008 is almost over. Have you met your first half goals?

May this week find you with good health, good business and peace.


George F. Mancuso, CPC


Why Did I Lose The Sale?

light bulbJune 15, 2008

Q: George, I lost this account I have been working on for months and I’m really demoralized. I worked on this
deal using all the techniques you taught us in the Sales Strategy seminar, got close to them and knew the issues they were facing.
Our solutions were not only the best solutions, but the issues on which they based their decision weren’t particularly important.
I’m upset for two reasons; one that I lost and two that I believe that they lost as well. HELP!
Alicia L; Arvada, CO

A: The reality is, that the one with the best solutions or the highest sense of service isn’t always the one that wins the battle. Solutions and service are prerequisite for success, but the one who wins is not necessarily the best person with the best product but simply the best competitor. You are not in a club by yourself. More than one sales professional has fallen victim to the feeling, that if he/she were the best at everything he/she didn’t have to worry about the competition. Think about the story of the Tortoise and the Hare as exemplifies that statement as well.

Under estimating the competition abilities can easily be the destruction of the sales process for you. You may have outsold your competitor on the issues YOU deemed to be most important but it sounds like you failed to outsell the competition on the issues that THEY FELT was most important to THEM.

1. Know your competitors: Knowing your competitors includes knowledge of where they are weak, where they are strong, their services and products and compare all of that to your product and services. Determine where you can be attacked as well and prepare.

2. Keep a beginners mind; don’t get frustrated, don’t panic, view all objections raised by the prospect as opportunities to validate your products, services, company and YOU. These types of objections can many times be the direct pipeline into what is MOST IMPORTANT TO THE PROSPECT! Solve these issues and more and you’ve got the sale.

3. If you can control the issues you can control the sale. Pick the issues that give you the competitive edge and create an emotional reaction for the prospect. You’ve heard me say in past newsletters, “set the prospects hair on fire” with your enthusiasm.

4. Sell to the individual not the group as a whole; when speaking to a group don’t address just one person in the room. Survey the participants and do it more than once to be certain that there is not some objection in their mind that is going to raise its ugly head as soon as you leave the room. Again I say, control the issues and you control the sale.

5. The issues you choose must carry the emotional energy I mentioned above. You must carry yourself in a manner that exudes confidence, knowledge and demonstrates your strengths.

If you will recall from our seminar, I said many times, there is 4 key items to making the sale;

a. You must know yourself inside and out including all of your strengths and weaknesses.

b. You must know everything there is to know about your products or services

c. You must know your competitors

d. You must understand the intrinsic needs of the prospect. Once you have what is important to the prospect, you can make the match.

If for whatever reason you are not able to evaluate your competition, what is MOST IMPORTANT is point “d” above.

Yogi Berra said it best, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Make an appointment with this prospect and perform a post mortem on the sale. Ask the decision maker why you didn’t get the sale. Don’t become argumentative, but this will give you one more tool to turn the sale around. And if you’ve truly lost this one, it’s a lesson well learned for tomorrow.

As always, I wish you a tremendous personal and business week. Call me if I can be of assistance.


George F. Mancuso

George F. Mancuso, CPC


Any Thoughts On Motivating My Employees?

Q: Would you kind enough to give me some tips on motivating my employees? I feel like most of my employees are just marking time and the next thing I know we are in a time crunch for a project. We are a service organization and this problem includes office, customer service and sales people.
Paul B, Columbia, MO

A: Without visiting your business and observing your people it is a bit deceiving what is transpiring. However on the surface is sound like they have a lack of focus which will destroy any chance you have at developing good time management skills for all.

A friend of mine shared an idea with me last week and in part, allow me to share some of that with you as well. At your next company meeting or through a companywide Email offer your employees this scenario:

Imagine arriving at work you find that your workstation office is covered with $100 bills from the floor to the ceiling. As you find your way to your desk, on the loud speaker you hear the President announce, “Between the Hours of 9:00 and 11:30 AM and 1:30 and 4:00 PM today, you can keep all of the $100 bills that you can gather up – no strings attached!”

Ask yourself the following questions:

Would you REALLY until 9:00 AM to start?

Would you REALLY go to lunch?

Would you REALLY take personal phone calls?

Would you REALLY send or read personal Emails?

Would you REALLY go onto social Internet sites?

Would you even go to the bathroom?

You probably answered “NO” to most of those questions, because you would be extremely focused on gathering and keeping as many $100 bills as you could.


Those $100 bills are in your office right now. In order to grow YOU as an employee, or YOU as a company, harvesting those $100 bills is critically important to OUR success!

You have many people on both sides of the sales process and our co-workers can also be a distraction. And don’t forget that we often distract ourselves when our attention switches from work to family, friends, vacations etc.

Often family members and friends don’t realize they are taking money out of your pocket when they distract you during business hours. It is important to limit those distractions by just letting people know they should call you before work, during lunch or at the end of the day.

They take money from YOUR pocket because if your company doesn’t grow, you just might not get a paycheck next Friday. If you limit the distractions, you will earn more money and you will have more time.

There are several ways to help people manage time better, become more organized, learn to grow themselves while growing their organizations. If you need more information, just contact me, George@GmanSearch.com.

Find a way to make a difference this week in your life and of the people around you.


George F. Mancuso

George F. Mancuso, CPC


Knowledge vs. Skills


Today I’d like to provide you with a “threefer” to make the point. (yes I know there is no such word as “threefer” but cut me some slack, it’s Memorial Day weekend)

FIRST POINT: “A consultant is someone who knows 99 ways to make love but doesn’t know any women.”

SECOND POINT: “A man comes across a little boy with a dog. He says to the boy, that’s a mighty fine dog you have there, son. Does he know any tricks?

The boy replies, why yes sir, he knows over a hundred different tricks.

The man smiles and says, wow, that’s amazing. Can I see one?’

The boy answers, well not really. He knows lots of tricks but he can’t actually do any of them.”

THIRD POINT: The WANT AD specified: “Seeking one armed sales consultant with technical skills and industry experience.”

A professional sales consultant called up the prospective employer to inquire more about the position. She said, I understand most of the qualifications you require, but why ‘one’ armed?

The employer replied, I have hired too many sales consultants who tell me one thing and then tell me, “one the other hand………”

MY POINT: Knowledge is not the same as skill. Skills in diagnosis, evaluation, analysis, planning, project management, communication, facilitation, team building, honesty and many other disciplines are integral to being an effective manager. And that holds true if you are managing people, a project, a division or an entire company.

Be confident in your assessment and course of action. There are always options, but you should be experienced enough to understand the implications of each and select the ones that YOU will stand behind.

I hope you and your family have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.


George F. Mancuso

George F. Mancuso, CPC


Why Should We Change

Q: I have been reading your newsletters with interest and my employees are pushing me to “make change.” But we are a 15 year old manufacturing company and we gross about 8 ½ million, year in and year out and we are profitable. Why would I want to consider making changes?
M.R., a CEO in Davenport, Iowa

A: First off if your revenues have been the same year in and year out, your growth is not only flat but most analysis would agree that you are going backwards by not going forward! Allow me to share a true story with you about the Golden Eagle and maybe this will help make some sense of “why change.”

The Eagle has the longest life span of its species. It can live up to 70 Years

But to reach this age, the eagle must make several very hard decisions.

In its 40’s its long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey which serves as food.

It’s long and sharp beak becomes bent and difficult to use.

Its’ old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its’ chest and make it difficult to fly.

Then, the eagle is left with only two options: DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE which lasts 150 DAYS!

The process requires that the eagle fly to a mountain top and sit on its nest.

There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out.

After plucking out its beak, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck but its talons.

When its new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old-aged feathers.

And after FIVE PAINFUL AND UNCERTAIN MONTHS, the eagle takes its’ famous flight of REBIRTH and lives for 30 MORE YEARS!

Why is changed needed you ask?

Many times, in order to survive we have to start a change process.

We sometimes need to get rid of old memories, habits and other past traditions.

Only freed from past burdens, can we take advantage of the present!

Re-birthing or reinventing yourself and your organization has never arrived at a more critical time.

The Eagle is a wise, powerful and magnificent bird of prey. Truly an imposing force to be dealt with in the wild.

Perhaps a lesson from the Eagle is a great lesson to be learned about change in 2008! What option would you choose?

Make this week a week to remember.

I get many Emails every week when one of our readers truly identifies with the message. You are welcome to utilize our newsletter as a tool. Forward it with a personal message and say you thought they might enjoy this newsletter as well and that signing up is easy. All they have to do is go to our Home page and on the left side put in their first name and Email address. If you’d like me to address an issue or question, please Email me at George@GmanSearch.com .


George F. Mancuso

George F. Mancuso, CPC

Making Bold Statements

Q: I have been told that making a BOLD statement or meaningful prediction might help grow my business and enable me to gain some free publicity for my firm. I have made some interesting observations regarding emerging trends in my field and I would like to share and publicize my unique views with others in the industry. My concern is that I want to be perceived as credible. What can I do?
DR, Harrisburg, PA

A: Back up your points with established research and analysis. Look for papers, studies and surveys that support your points. Don't forget to also familiarize yourself with the research that is contrary to your view. Also, make sure to properly credit the sources you have cited.

Another way to support your unique views is to prepare and distribute your own survey to key people in your industry. Some points to consider if you decide to administer a survey:

  1. Creating an effective survey can be a complicated job and requires great care if you want to obtain meaningful and actionable results. There are many good books on the subject of effective survey creation and administration. If you are interested in building your credibility and not seeing it quickly erode, you might even want to consider getting help from someone who specializes in survey creation.
  2. One way to stimulate participation is to promise those who participate that they will get the results or summary for free.
  3. Make sure to perform adequate testing/piloting prior to sending out the survey to the entire intended audience.

Tip: Coming up with "big ideas" or a possessing a unique point of view are not the exclusive domain of experienced practitioners; sometimes it takes someone with a "fresh" view to see the forest through the trees. Remember, though, that BOLD thoughts from someone viewed as inexperienced can open one to questions and criticism. Do your homework. Anticipate the questions and the opposing points of view and prepare your responses in advance. Responses supported by established research, thought leaders or analysis carry significantly more weight and help you to build credibility.

PPS: Another great way to make a bold statement or two is on your corporate website. For example, on our Home page (www.GmanSearch.com) near the bottom we have two particular topics that we continually “drive” prospects to read. One is “Why Employers Should Hire Gman Business Resources and the other is “WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT GMAN”. Granted these are self serving but it’s important that we continually make BOLD statements that we can back up! The testimonials are 3rd party BOLD statements that substantiate our credibility.

I get many Emails every week when one of our readers truly identifies with the message. You are welcome to utilize our newsletter as a tool. Forward it with a personal message and say you thought they might enjoy this newsletter as well and that signing up is easy. All they have to do is go to our Home page and on the left side put in their first name and Email address.

I hope you have a wonderful and prosperous week.


George F. Mancuso

George F. Mancuso, CPC